Knowledge base
General Usage
Common ReSharper 2017.x/2016.x/10 issues
- Debugging MSTest in Visual Studio 2017.3 (15.3): 'Inconclusive: Test not run'
- Ctrl+Click navigation looks broken in VS2017
- ReSharper 2016.3 does not discover Visual Studio 2017 RC installation
- "The application was requested to shut down with a ShutdownRequested call" message in Tools | Options | ReSharper Ultimate page
- "Cleanup Code" menu item is disabled and Cleanup Code option page is empty
- "The Master Assembly Binder does not know this assembly, and neither does the GAC" error during installation
ReSharper FAQ
Download, Installation and Uninstallation
- How to manually update ReSharper to the latest release?
- .NET tools data takes up a lot of disk space, what folders can be safely removed?
- How can I remove ReSharper from Windows applications list after the corresponding Visual Studio was uninstalled
- Log files location for ReSharper installer
- Common causes of failed ReSharper installation
- Notes on Compatibility Between dotUltimate Tools
License Keys questions and issues
- How to fix error "This site can’t provide a secure connection" when trying to log in to JetBrains account
- How to execute an offline activation
- 'Another instance of ReSharper with the same License' error message
- I would like to purchase or upgrade ReSharper license. What should I do?
- What License Information should be used for ReSharper EAP/Beta nightly builds?
- I've lost my License Key. How do I recover it?
License Server questions and issues
Usage, Features and Known Issues/Bugs
- Support for Visual Studio 2022
- InspectCode presents different results than ReSharper
- How can I stop receiving messages about sending feedback?
- How to exclude JavaScript and TypeScript files from code analysis?
- Blank/transparent ReSharper windows in VS2019
- The warning "Unused public member" exists even if SWEA is OFF
- Profiling ReSharper using built-in or standalone profilers
- AI Assistant authorization issues/incorrect "out of volume" message
- Collect a dump for VS/ReSharper crash with Windows Error Reporting
- Visual Studio with ReSharper is slow
- How to get dumps and logs for ReSharper's project model problems
- How to get MSBuild binlogs using command line