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ReSharper FAQ
ReSharper FAQ
FAQ contains questions and answers on a common ReSharper questions
Download, Installation and Uninstallation
How to manually update ReSharper to the latest release?
.NET tools data takes up a lot of disk space, what folders can be safely removed?
How can I remove ReSharper from Windows applications list after the corresponding Visual Studio was uninstalled
Log files location for ReSharper installer
Common causes of failed ReSharper installation
Notes on Compatibility Between dotUltimate Tools
See all 23 articles
License Keys questions and issues
How to fix error "This site can’t provide a secure connection" when trying to log in to JetBrains account
How to execute an offline activation
'Another instance of ReSharper with the same License' error message
I would like to purchase or upgrade ReSharper license. What should I do?
What License Information should be used for ReSharper EAP/Beta nightly builds?
I've lost my License Key. How do I recover it?
See all 10 articles
License Server questions and issues
Where can I download License Server for ReSharper?
How do I select ReSharper Edition when connected to License Server? (ReSharper 4.x - 8.x)
'No Free Ticket Available' message when trying to obtain license from License Server (ReSharper 4.x - 8.x)
Usage, Features and Known Issues/Bugs
Support for Visual Studio 2022
InspectCode presents different results than ReSharper
How can I stop receiving messages about sending feedback?
How to exclude JavaScript and TypeScript files from code analysis?
Blank/transparent ReSharper windows in VS2019
The warning "Unused public member" exists even if SWEA is OFF
See all 28 articles
Profiling ReSharper using built-in or standalone profilers
AI Assistant authorization issues/incorrect "out of volume" message
Collect a dump for VS/ReSharper crash with Windows Error Reporting
Visual Studio with ReSharper is slow
How to get dumps and logs for ReSharper's project model problems
How to get MSBuild binlogs using command line
See all 16 articles
Other questions
What versions of .NET Tools are supported?
Is there a cheat sheet available for ReSharper Keyboard Shortcuts mappings?
There are no Visual Studio items in context menu
Is there any document comparing Visual Studio built-in features to ReSharper features?