How to get dumps and logs for ReSharper's project model problems
In case you get red code in the editor and it helps to disable the "Read solution model directly from project/solution files." setting at ReSharper | Options | Environment | General, please get the following dumps and logs and contact support.
1. The project model dumps.
- Please check that "Read solution model directly from project/solution files" is disabled;
- Run Visual Studio with /ReSharper.Internal key to run R# in debug mode: devenv.exe /ReSharper.Internal
- Open the problematic solution;
- Hit Alt+Enter shortcut in any code file;
- Type in "Dump Project Model" action, execute it and save the result file as "Dump Project Model Option Disabled.txt";
- Open ReSharper | Options | Environment | General and enable "Read solution model.." option;
- Wait for a while ReSharper reanalyzes the solution;
- Hit Alt+Enter shortcut in any code file;
- Type "Dump Project Model" action, execute it and save the result file as "Dump Project Model Option Enabled.txt".
- Save both the files.
2. MSBuild binlog for the project reloading in ReSharper's project model.
- Run Visual Studio with /ReSharper.Internal key to run R# in debug mode: devenv.exe /ReSharper.Internal
- Then load a solution, choose the problematic project in the Solution Explorer and hit Ctrl+Shift+A, then type in and choose this action: "Reload projects from file system and collect logs";
- Save both the .log and .binlog resulting files.
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