Ctrl+Click navigation looks broken in VS2017

Microsoft introduced its own Ctrl+Click feature implementation in VS 15.4. Try disabling it here Tools | Options | Text Editor | General | "Enable mouse click to perform Go to Definition" checkbox to get correct ReSharper behaviour back. Related ticket on YouTrack https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RSRP-466327.

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Permanently deleted user

It does not work for me (VS 15.9.3). Ctrl+N. Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N, Ctrl+NN... All of them do not show pop ups (but the code editor loses a focus). All those actions do not work even if they called from ReSharper menu (e.g. Resharper/Navigate/Search Everywhere). 

Edited by Permanently deleted user

@Kostyantyn Please submit a support request using the "Submit a request" button at the top of the page.



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