Please contact us using the "Submit a request" button and attach the following:
all logs located in %localappdata%\JetBrains\Shared\vAny\Installer;
start VS with the following command: devenv.exe /ReSharper.LogFile C:\log\resharper_log.txt /ReSharper.LogLevel Verbose, open any solution and send us resharper_log.txt.
Vgpallis, thanks for the reply. Could you please list the build actions that are shown in the messages? Also, do you have a chance to share a solution in which you see this problem? Thanks in advance for your reply.
ReSharper 2021.3 is very slow running 2022. I'd say on average it takes 5 times longer to load and compile compared to running 2019. If I disable Resharper then 2022 is not noticeably slower.
With VS 64bit comes another problem, the machine should have enough RAM memory otherwise it will be slow as its 32bit version. In this case VS 2022 will be slow as VS 2019 if the computer has limited RAM memory installed. The garbage collector will be called often to free up the memory as it was for 32bit VS. Same is true with ReSharper.
Before upgrading my VS to 64bit 2022 I upgraded my system from 16G to 64G RAM memory, and I have no issue with slowness.
Hi! I am running ReSharper C++ 2021.3 installed in VS 2022 Enterprise Preview and the Refactoring menu is disabled when I right-click on a method name. I am trying to get the Change Signature refactoring to work. Any help would be appreciated.
JetBrains ReSharper 2021.3.3 Build 213.0.20220125.124455 built on 2022-01-25 ReSharper C++ 2021.3.20220126.103121
Robert Bernstein, thank you for your feedback. Probably this problem is due to the fact that the VS 2022 Preview 2 update broke ReSharper. So far we've made a fix in ReSharper 2022.1 EAP7 only. We hope that soon we will be able to make a bugfix for the 2021.3 version.
I am having issue where Hint/Suggestion/Warning are not showing up with a different color in VS2022 vs VS2019. For example, in 2019, the text for redundant qualifiers would be a lighter color then the rest of the text. However, in VS2022, this doesn't happen anymore. I am so used to using these color changes to stand out to show me where I can clean up the code. I get I can use the lightbulb, but now it's an extra step.
Hello James Scott Davis,
Please contact us using the "Submit a request" button and attach the following:
Thanks in advance!
It pops out several annoying warnings for Xamarin.Android project every 5 seconds
Hello Vgpallis,
This should already be fixed in the latest ReSharper 2021.3 EAP builds. Please let me know if you see these messages in EAP9. Thank you!
Hi Maria and thank you for your answer.
I am using the latest EAP build (I downloaded it today).
2021.3 EAP build 2021.3.EAP9
Released: November 22, 2021
The problem persists.
Vgpallis, thanks for the reply. Could you please list the build actions that are shown in the messages? Also, do you have a chance to share a solution in which you see this problem? Thanks in advance for your reply.
I was hoping for improved performance with the 64bit visual studio. However, I still get performance messages all the time. Like,

I've done everything I can via the suggested options tweaking.
ReSharper 2021.3 is very slow running 2022. I'd say on average it takes 5 times longer to load and compile compared to running 2019. If I disable Resharper then 2022 is not noticeably slower.
With VS 64bit comes another problem, the machine should have enough RAM memory otherwise it will be slow as its 32bit version. In this case VS 2022 will be slow as VS 2019 if the computer has limited RAM memory installed. The garbage collector will be called often to free up the memory as it was for 32bit VS. Same is true with ReSharper.
Before upgrading my VS to 64bit 2022 I upgraded my system from 16G to 64G RAM memory, and I have no issue with slowness.
Resharper is still a pain in VS.2022 due to performance issues. I wish you guys wouldn't exist at all. FckBrains.
Hi! I am running ReSharper C++ 2021.3 installed in VS 2022 Enterprise Preview and the Refactoring menu is disabled when I right-click on a method name. I am trying to get the Change Signature refactoring to work. Any help would be appreciated.
JetBrains ReSharper 2021.3.3 Build 213.0.20220125.124455 built on 2022-01-25
ReSharper C++ 2021.3.20220126.103121
Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 Preview (Version 17.2.32314.265, InstanceId b4e85400, Preview).
Branch: refs/heads/net213-rtm-2021.3.3
Robert Bernstein, thank you for your feedback. Probably this problem is due to the fact that the VS 2022 Preview 2 update broke ReSharper. So far we've made a fix in ReSharper 2022.1 EAP7 only. We hope that soon we will be able to make a bugfix for the 2021.3 version.
Thank you, Maria Pleskunina!
VS 17.2.2 and R# 2021.3 does not work together.
Resharper generates huge amount of exceptions (the log file has grown up till 19mb during few minutes).
No Resharper integrations are visible in code at all.
Hello Alexander Milchakov
Do you have a chance to install the latest bugfix for 2021.3 - or the latest release version - 2022.1.1 - The fact is that ReSharper 2021.3 - 2021.3.3 versions are not compatible with the latest VS 2022 17.2 builds.
Please let me know about the results.
Thank you.
Thank you, Angelina
The version 2022.1.1 works perfectly.
I am having issue where Hint/Suggestion/Warning are not showing up with a different color in VS2022 vs VS2019. For example, in 2019, the text for redundant qualifiers would be a lighter color then the rest of the text. However, in VS2022, this doesn't happen anymore. I am so used to using these color changes to stand out to show me where I can clean up the code. I get I can use the lightbulb, but now it's an extra step.