ReSharper is not available in Visual Studio after installation

In case ReSharper did not integrate into Visual Studio properly, please follow this guide.


I. There's no 'ReSharper' item in Visual Studio main menu

Possible reason: Check if there is "ReSharper" tab in the "Tools | Options" dialog, and ReSharper is not suspended.

  1. If there's no such dialog or it shows an error, continue to the next Part II of this guide (below).
  2. If ReSharper is shown as 'Suspended' in this dialog, use the "Resume" button.
  3. If the page says that ReSharper is not suspended but yet not running, use "Suspend" and then "Resume" button to retry starting the product. You might see the license dialog if there's a problem with licensing, or the "This pre-release build of ReSharper has expired" message. Follow the instructions in these dialogs to resolve the issue.
  4. If there is "The application was requested to shut down with a ShutdownRequested call" message, please follow

II. There's no 'ReSharper'/'ReSharper Ultimate' tab in "Tools | Options" dialog, or it shows an error

  1. Check if "JetBrains ReSharper" extensions is available at the VS' Extensions | Manage Extensions | Installed but disabled. Enable it back, if so.
  2. Check if ReSharper is disabled in Help | Visual Studio Performance Manager ("Manage Visual Studio Performance" in Visual Studio 2017). Please check different locations: Startup, Solution Load, etc.

  3. Run Visual Studio with /resetskippkgs command line key (e.g. "devenv.exe /resetskippkgs") or delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\{VS_version}.0_Config" branch (for Visual Studio versions < 2017) in Windows registry.
  4. If '/resetskippkgs' run and deleting the registry branch doesn't help, check if there's folder under '%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\{VS_version}.0_{InstanceID}\Extensions\JetBrains\ReSharperPlatformVs{VS_version}' and there are 'extension.vsixmanifest' and 'vspackage.pkgdef' files.
  5. If there are no such files, run 'Repair' on Resharper installation in 'ReSharper Ultimate' installer you used to install ReSharper.   
    • Repairing ReSharper installation can fix integration issues.
  6. If it's still not there and there are some exceptions during repairing process, check and articles about common errors
  7. Run Visual Studio with Local Administrator rights (e.g. 'Run as Administrator').
51 out of 235 found this helpful
Permanently deleted user

2 Johan Antila & Corrado. What is location you have .msi you installed ReSharper from?   

Permanently deleted user

Desktop folder, as did with previous upgrades.

Permanently deleted user

2 Corrado

Copy msi to C:\ and re install ReSharper from there. Please post result here.

Permanently deleted user

Reinstalled from C:\ ,nothing has changed.

Permanently deleted user

are you running VS as Administrator?

Permanently deleted user

No, as when everything was fine. Even running as admin nothing changes.

Permanently deleted user

I reinstalled everything from the OS up which was long overdue anyway, everything works as expected after this.

Permanently deleted user

Can't afford to reinstall entire OS just for R#, support guys can you please support me better on case 8737?


Nothing works. Still no resharper there, still no menu options. It's like I never existed. And I'm not going to reinstall a developer machine in 8 hours just because Resharper can't perform an install.

Permanently deleted user

I have been struggling with this issue for some time (on Windows 8.1), and now that your help above helped me resolve the issue, I'm outlining the steps I took, which are just a collection of steps from above:

  • I completely uninstalled Resharper from 'add and remove programs'..
  • I downloaded Resharper (8.2.1) to c:\download folder (to avoid remote locations)
  • I deleted the %APPDATA%\JetBrains directory
  • I ran cmd (command window) using 'run as Administrator', and went to the c:\download directory
  • I executed msiexec /i ReSharperSetup.x.y.z.w.msi /l*v C:\resharper_install_log.txt


Permanently deleted user

I downloaded ReSharperAndToolsPacked01.exe (129 MB). I installed resharper but nothing available

Permanently deleted user

this version is working fine ReSharperSetup.8.2.2000.5102.msi but new (ReSharperAndToolsPacked01.exe) doesn't appears

Permanently deleted user

 I installed Visual Studio 2012 afterwards and ReSharper was not available ...  Visual Studio by simply checking if the ReSharper menu item is available in ... After some digging around,

Permanently deleted user

Your Support is HELL


Yesterday it was working fine, today it's NOT and after uninstalling, reinstalling 9 times - i give up. I want my money back!


We cannot install ReSharper 9 with the new Installer because we are not allowed to work as a local administrator, and with the local administrator account it is not possible to install this tool for every user. Please give us some feedback, becaue with ReSharper it worked out perfect.!



@Dev:  Doesn't help - I do have administrator, domain administrator and enterprise administrator access on my network. It does NOT matter which account I use to install 9.x Resharper remains UNAVAILABLE after install and the steps outlined above DO NOT HELP at all, in any way.

I can however reinstall v8.2.3 and it DOES in fact work fine. I suspect the entire problem is this new (lack-of-an) installer that pretends to install products but doesn't. You see, It doesn't matter with this new installer if I install ANY of the listed applications: dotPeek, dotMemory, dotTrace, dotCover and TeamCity - NONE of them are available after the installation syas it complete. Still not there after a reboot either. 

@Giorgizek:  Any word yet from them?

Permanently deleted user

I am having the same issue with ReSharper 9 and support will not respond to my messages anymore.  Has anyone got the V9 install to actually work?


Prior to yesterday (before the 9.0 Update 1), I had the 9.0 product working fine. Not anymore. Called them, sent emails nothing so far. the 9.0 installer doesn't work not either - I've installed into a VM and the 9.0 line doesn't work even on a new machine.

Permanently deleted user

Installed Visual Studio 2013. The steps above did not help but did hint. Instead of running Repair run Change/Change and then I got to select the new Visual Studio and that solved it.

Permanently deleted user

I had the same problem. This sequence solved it. Note that ALL commands below were executed as domain administrator:

1) closed every instance of VS2013 and executed devenv.exe /resetskippkgs

2) Loaded VS2013 (as admin, for nothing), and unloaded it

3) Uninstalled Resharper (as admin)

4) reinstalled it with no options (just resharper) from ReSharperAndToolsPacked01 Ver 9.0.exe


Permanently deleted user

Also had issues with ReSharper not showing up anywhere in VS 2013.  Although I had ReSharper v8.x installed, the long-ago installed version 6.1 showed as the one-and-only installed ReSharper product within the Win7 Control panel, so I removed it.  Ran devenv.exe /resetskippkgs as recommended above.  Disable the installer's Keep extensions from previous installions option. Thereafter I noticed the ReSharperAndToolsPacked01Update1 installer took more time to set things up.  It's now available within VS2013.  HTH.

Permanently deleted user

These steps are not working for me. Any ideas?


I finally got mine to work. What I had to do:

  1. Completely remove all JetBrains products from my machine and reboot.
  2. Completely remove all JetBrains products from my registry and reboot.
  3. Reinstall 8.2.3 and reboot.
  4. Uninstall 8.2.3 and reboot.
  5. Install 9.0 Update 1 as both Administrator and my normal every day user and reboot.

What a complete pain all that was and very NOT worth it. Especially having to clean out the registry as that part alone took several hours!!

If you're paying so much for this product you rather expect it to just work as advertised and expected. I had to actually CALL them on the phone and ask the receptionist to have the development team look at  this thread before they bothered to contact me at all.


Well isn't this just GRAND ...  Looks like I spoke too soon. Reshaper 9 now thinks I'm EVALUATING the product despite the that my license is valid until 10/2/2015.  Clearly the current Team at JetBrains on the Resharper product need some serious help.

Permanently deleted user

Hi All,

I had a similar issue where Resharper was working with VS 2010, VS2013 but not on VS2012, here is what fixed it for me:
- Open Command Prompt as admin
- Navigate to VS2012 executable location (Or the version you use), for me it was:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\
- Run this, devenv.exe /ResetSkipPkgs

After that Resharper worked in VS 2012. Hope this helps anyone.

Permanently deleted user

Resharper 9.2 (2015.2) with VS 2013 Premium
Couldn't see Resharper in VS instead of being installed. Tried all the above points without any success.
Finally just ran a repair of VS2013 post installation of Resharper .. and was finally able to see Resharper integrated in VS!

Permanently deleted user

Have the same problem. Fixed after switching off Dr.Web antivirus

Program modules
Dr.Web Agent (10.0)
Dr.Web Virus-Finding Engine
drweb32.dll (
Dr.Web Scanning Engine ( (Build 10391)) 

Edited by Permanently deleted user

Same problem with latest copy, 2016.1.1. WTF. Upgrade from 9.2

Edited by Andrew Ackerman

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