Debugging MSTest in Visual Studio 2017.3 (15.3): 'Inconclusive: Test not run'

In case you have 'Inconclusive: Test not run' status for MSTest tests when you launch "debug" for a unit test in ReSharper 2017.1.x, please install the latest ReSharper 2017.2 release build  

Related request on YouTrack:

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Yes, I can confirm the EAP build fixes the issue. Thank you team!


I can also confirm that the EAP build fixed the issue for me. Thanks again!


Just to be more specific, 2017.2 EAP 13 fixed this issues for me. EAP 12 was still broken.


I had the same issue even with Resharper 2017.2.1 in Visual Studio 2017 (v15.3.5). I think I got Rehsarper updated first, then I updated Visual Studio to 15.3.5 .

To fix issue, I had to re-install Resharper 2017.2.1 - I just clicked on "Rehsarper \ Help \ Check For Updates ..." , then unsinstall and reinstall.


It is working fine now.


Issue came back with new visual update (Inconclusive: Test not run). In UnitTestSession window I can see an exception:

ERROR Transition failed: Transition from state <HandShake> on event <remote::.ProtocolVersion>. Cause: System.InvalidOperationException: Test-cases are missing for the selected tests. Did discovery succeed?

Is there any permanent solution for this? Previous EAP worked until next update.


Visual Studio Professional 2017 15.4.3

Resharper Ultimate 2017.2.2


Hi there,

Same for me, the issue came back with the last VS Update

Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 15.4.3

Resharper Ultimate 2017.2.2


@Julien and @Marcinreq, any chance to send us the problem solution or any solution which will demonstrate the issue? Everything works fine for us in the latest updates both Visual Studio and ReSharper.




I am currently experience the same issue and have the following versions installed:

VS 5.4.5

R# 2017.3 EAP 7


The context for me is using the ASP.NET boiler plate framework. The test are listed in the Unit Test window, and when run say inconclusive.


I will see today if I can create a solution that I can ZIP and send if that would help?








Stil have same issue with:

JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate 2017.3 EAP 8 Checked Build 111.0.20171201.110820-eap08


I just tried 2017.2.2 and unit tests are still flagged inconclusive.


Will someone please confirm this is recorded as an issue. I don't know if I'm in the right place ;)


It's driving me nuts though as I was hoping to use continuous testing


@Chris, please send us the solution via "Submit a request" button at the top of the page. Also, you might file a new request to


The same issue in VS 2017 15.5.1 and Resharper 2017.2.2
In 15.4.5 everything was ok.


@Alex Maskaev Please try installing R# 2017.3 EAP build and check the same behaviour once again.


After installing of EAP first run was the same with a lot of inconclusive tests.

Then I cleaned the solution, rebuilt it and then the second run was successful.

Will continue to look.


The issue back with VS2017 15.5. I will try the EAP build again.

Edited by Martin Dobsik

Sorry guys I haven't had a lot of bandwidth this last week as I'm approaching a major release. I've had to switch to using Postman to drive testing of my product API.

I await some solid confirmation that the issue has been nailed. Not looking too confident based on feedback so far.


Same issues as everyone else. Using VS Community 2017 15.5.2 and Resharper 2017.3 EAP 9. I am experiencing the following problems:

  1. Running tests results in all tests marked as inconclusive.
  2. When I can run the tests and I try to debug a single test, the debugger does not stop at breakpoints.

I am under a time crunch and working on a huge solution or I would try to get you a sample that fails.


Having the same problem with VS Professional 2017 15.5.2 and Resharper 2017.2.2. This is a serious bug !

Edited by Milan Milanovic

Having same problem with VS Professional 2015 Update 3 and Resharper 2017.3.

Uninstalled R# and installed back 2017.2.2 - tests came back

Aggrr half working day gone


@Maxim, there is a very similar ticket in YouTrack: Please feel free to comment/vote for it. Thanks!


Visual Studio 2017 15.5.2

ReSharper 2017.3.1, built on 2017 December 21

Still facing the same issue


Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 15.5.2

ReSharper Ultimate 2017.3.1


Facing the same issue here


For me, it workes after installing NETCore.App version 1.0.5. Can be downloaded here:

(I used the Windows 64-bit SDK Installer)

I only had version 1.0.0 and version 2.0 installed before and it was expecting 1.0.5 for some reason. 

Mathias Johansson

Having the same problem.

Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 15.5.2/15.5.3

ReSharper Ultimate 2017.3.1

Tried reinstalling R# - does not help

Tried installing NETCore.App v1.0.5 (suggested above) - does not help

Tried emptying all sorts of temp folders - does not help

Very frustrating.


Guys, any chance to send us a solution which will demonstrate the MSTest issue? We've fixed everything we were able to reproduce on our side so a sample solution will be much appreciated. Thanks! 

Mathias Johansson

@Alexander: I'm having a resharper trace log file available if that can be of any help. Please let me know were I can upload it.


I'm new to .net so might be wrong.. I think the reason id did not work for me is that I had not installed the correct runtime/sdk, like in my comment above. The .csproj file contains a line like this: <RuntimeFrameworkVersion>1.0.4</RuntimeFrameworkVersion> within the <PropertyGroup>. I think this needs to match with an installed runtime. I have the NetCore.App version 1.0.5 installed, along with SDK version 1.0.4. And the RuntimeFrameworkVersion is 1.0.4. 


Alexander, Maria has been working with me to troubleshoot the issue. Here's the link to the support request. I have provided a sample solution and a verbose log file.



Alexandr & Maria, i've sent you an email with explainations and sample solution


@Mathias Johansson, please follow this guide to upload it to our servers.

@maxim.shlain and @Won Lee Thanks a lot! We are looking into it.


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