VS2022 17.12.3 use Resharp c++ to input code very lag

Recently updated VS, so when using the resharp c++ extension, it was found that copying code and entering code, even entering the enter key, will cause the program to die 1-5s.


Why is it related to resharp? Because after I disable the resharp extension, no stalling will happen.




Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 (64 位) - Current
版本 17.12.3

resharp c++:

JetBrains ReSharper 2024.1.4

Build 241.0.20240623.154825 built on 2024-06-23

ReSharper C++
2024.1.20240623.154825 checking for updates…


Visual Studio Professional 2022
Version 17.12.3, InstanceId 832ad475


1 comment

Hello zhukai, thank you for your report. Could you please try installing the latest ReSharper 2024.3.3 and collect a performance snapshot for us to understand why this is happening? Thank you!


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