AI Assistant tool window bad display

I have been trying AI Assistant for a few days. But see the following picture: the code is half hidden by some overlapping file path popup (… Mazybec.h). This looks like some internal stuff to the AI Assistant. How can I get rid of this?  Thanks.



Hello Philwave, thanks for your question. Do you have the VsVim extension installed in your Visual Studio?


No, I do not have any VsVim extension installed.
I should add that you asked me to use the command logger /all
once, to diagnose a problem (AI assistant was not working at all; the case was solved).
I am wondering if the current problem is maybe an artifact of this log command.


Philwave, no, this should not affect AI chat. Could you please collect the log file as described here one more time? Please upload the log file to the JB server and share the Upload ID with us.

Also, please upload the following information to the JB server:

  • ReSharper Settings: ReSharper | Manage Options => "Export to File" in the context menu for each layer;
  • ReSharper info from (Extensions |) ReSharper | Help | About JetBrains ReSharper | Copy;
  • VS settings - Tools | Import and Export Settings;
  • VS info from Help | About Microsoft Visual Studio | Copy Info.

Thanks in advance!


Upload id: 2024_10_07_TDjji79meXzXWbgND2beG3



Philwave, thanks for the additional information! Unfortunately, so far I have not been able to reproduce the problem. I see you have many extensions installed for Visual Studio. Could you please try disabling them one by one to check if any of them are affecting the AI ​​chat? 


You were right. The cause of the problem is this otherwise useful extension:


Thank you for letting me know! I also was able to reproduce the issue. We will think about what we can do here to improve the behavior. There is a similar issue about this: AI Assistant code snippets not visible when using VsVim. Please comment or vote for it to get notifications about status changes. Thank you!


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