Dreadful editing performance

I just upgraded to version 4 today and the performance of the editor (in VS 2005) is dreadful. There's a delay of at least half a second between when I start typing and when I see any changes in the editor. I tried turning of all Code Analysis but that made no difference. Let me know how I can provide more useful info. (is there a built-in profiler I can enable or something?)



Permanently deleted user

I'm having the same experience. Happy to provide any details about the environment if required.

Permanently deleted user

In case it matters (which it shouldn't), I work at a company that is upgrading our machines and we wanted to put Resharper 4 on it. (About 40 or 50 licenses worth) I am evaluating it early with the explicit intent of yay or naying it. Needless to say the vote currently stands at nay.



Permanently deleted user

I’m using 4.0.819.19 on VS2008 Eng. Very Slow editing CPU goes to 100% for 1 to 3 seconds. I will uninstall it.

Permanently deleted user

All of you will need to provide a lot more details. The JetBrains folk are taking a brief breather right now, but in the meantime it would be very helpful if you can all provide details regarding your systems, types of solutions, numbers of projects, types of projects, numbers of source files, any patterns in the behaviour in terms of what kinds of files you have open when it is at its worst, etc. Specific small projects that reproduce the issue are always the most helpful, as the JetBrains folks can just load them up and see the issue. Also helpful would be information regarding any other IDE add-ins you have installed, whether or not one or more of the EAP builds don't exhibit the problem you are seeing, etc.

Permanently deleted user

2Gb RAM - AMD 1.7Ghz - Windows XP SP2
Visual Studio 2008 Version 9.0.30428.1 SP1Beta1
ReSharper 4 build 4.0.819.19

My project is in C# with 15 source files, in the small ones are normal but in the principal class that has 3800 lines any editing, any ENTER, any alteration fires the "Analysis in Progress" and the cpu goes to 100% making any editing slow.

Ex: If I press ENTER in the middle of the project its fire the "Analysis in Progress" from Resharper and the CPU goes to 100% for about 8 seconds till its stops the analysis, this makes the typing slow.

In a blank project it is almost as fast as the vs.

Permanently deleted user

Sweet. That is a small enough project that I'm sure the JetBrains folk would love to get their hands on a copy if you can provide it to them.


Please, could you share that solution for analysis? It will be great.
If you can't share it, can you then try to profile it?

Please don't hesistate contact me directly via Eugene.Pasynkov@jetbrains.com

Eugene Pasynkov
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
"Alderan" <no_reply@jetbrains.com> wrote in message

2Gb RAM - AMD 1.7Ghz - Windows XP SP2
Visual Studio 2008 Version 9.0.30428.1 SP1Beta1
ReSharper 4 build 4.0.819.19


My project is in C# with 15 source files, in the small ones are normal but
in the principal class that has 3800 lines any editing, any ENTER, any
alteration fires the "Analysis in Progress" and the cpu goes to 100%
making any editing slow.


Ex: If I press ENTER in the middle of the project its fire the "Analysis
in Progress" from Resharper and the CPU goes to 100% for about 8 seconds
till its stops the analysis, this makes the typing slow.


In a blank project it is almost as fast as the vs.



Do you have StyleCop (Microsoft Source Code Analysis) installed? There were
various problems reported when using StyleCop and ReSharper together. Some
are already proven to be bugs in StyleCop ;) http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/sourceanalysis/WorkItem/View.aspx?WorkItemId=9

Also note, that ReSharper on VS2008 SP1 Beta is not officially supported.
It arrived too late in our release cycle, and also there were many issues
with it reported by people on the web. We are going to address issues with
SP1 in the first bug fix update.

Ilya Ryzhenkov

JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

IR> 2Gb RAM - AMD 1.7Ghz - Windows XP SP2
IR> Visual Studio 2008 Version 9.0.30428.1 SP1Beta1
IR> ReSharper 4 build 4.0.819.19
IR> My project is in C# with 15 source files, in the small ones are
IR> normal but in the principal class that has 3800 lines any editing,
IR> any ENTER, any alteration fires the "Analysis in Progress" and the
IR> cpu goes to 100% making any editing slow.
IR> Ex: If I press ENTER in the middle of the project its fire the
IR> "Analysis in Progress" from Resharper and the CPU goes to 100% for
IR> about 8 seconds till its stops the analysis, this makes the typing
IR> slow.
IR> In a blank project it is almost as fast as the vs.

Permanently deleted user

I have tested in other projects with 2000 lines or more and the problem appears too.
I think that is because there are too many lines to analyze or my computer is not fast enough.
I will try to separate my code in to other files using partial classes.
When I deactivate the “code analysis” things become normal again and I enable it again only after I have made big changes in code.

Permanently deleted user

2Gb RAM - AMD 1.7Ghz - Windows XP SP2

Is that AMD 1.7 Ghz Processor a Sempron? I found R# 4.0.819 to be almost unusable on Semprons. Probably because they're single core and/or have to little Cache. In my experience, a Dual Core or at least a Hyperthreading processor is a must with R#.

Permanently deleted user

It is an Athlon. 512kb cache only one core

I was only testing resharper demo…

Permanently deleted user

Im having the same exact problem. With any keypress, the cpu will spike to 100 percent and there is a lag before the keystrokes appear on screen.

I have found that if i restart vs.net then performance will recover to an acceptable level and then slowly degrade throughout the day until it reaches a point where the response is so slow that I cant continue working anymore. On the restart the key presses dont spike the cpu to 100 percent.

Is there some way i can cause resharper to release resources without restarting vs.net?

Im running vs.net 2008 on a Pentium 4 - 3 GHZ with 4gb of ram.

Permanently deleted user

So here I am less than 2 hours later after a VS.net restart and reshaper has halted vs.net again and every keypress throttles the cpu to 100%. I even went to lunch for an hour. I edited about 4 files and the largest one is only 890 lines with comments and documentation making up most of that.

Im assuming a p4 3ghz should be fast enough to use resharper, right?

Edited by: jnapier on Jul 3, 2008 1:45 AM

Edited by: jnapier on Jul 3, 2008 1:46 AM


Does this problem occurs on some specific solution, or even with small
sample one?

Eugene Pasynkov
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
"jnapier" <jnapier@gamefly.com> wrote in message

So here I am 3 hours later after a VS.net restart and VS.Net and editing
performance has halted vs.net again and every keypress throttles the cpu
to 100%. I even went to lunch for an hour. I edited about 4 files and the
largest one in only 890 lines with comments and documentation making up
most of that.


Im assuming a p4 3ghz should be fast enough to use resharper, right?

Permanently deleted user

I have this problem too. I'm using quite a large solution and it worked fine with ReSharper 3 but now after upgrading to version 4 it's like the others describe it, lagging a lot when typing. I also experience a 10 second hang after building any one of my projects. Have never had that before either.


Please, can you check that these delays occurs only with your large
solution, and with sample small one everything is ok?

Eugene Pasynkov
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
"Linus" <signup@roslund.eu> wrote in message
>I have this problem too. I'm using quite a large solution and it worked
>fine with ReSharper 3 but now after upgrading to version 4 it's like the
>others describe it, lagging a lot when typing. I also experience a 10
>second hang after building any one of my projects. Have never had that
>before either.

Permanently deleted user

I can confirm that editing performance is degraded a lot. Attached is very small project that I made just for purpose to learn LINQ. With Resharper 4.0 there is periodical lag between typing of something and moment when I see this letters in editor (I think about 0.5 -- 1 sec.)

Permanently deleted user


As far as I can tell the delay is only there in my large solution. I'm normally not working any longer periods in small projects so I can't test it a lot. And I should mention that in the large solution the delay appears after maybe an hour or so working in VS. Right after starting VS it's not a problem. Very strange and also very annoying as you might understand. During the delay my CPU usage for devenv.exe goes up to 50% (probably coz my CPU is hyper-threading). I've tried to find something interesting in the hogging thread's call stack in Process Explorer during this time but haven't found anything that stands out.



Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce this problem :(

Eugene Pasynkov
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
"Sergey" <ctor@mail.ru> wrote in message
>I can confirm that editing performance is degraded a lot. Attached is very
>small project that I made just for purpose to learn LINQ. With Resharper
>4.0 there is periodical lag between typing of something and moment when I
>see this letters in editor (I think about 0.5 -- 1 sec.)

Permanently deleted user

I've seen this happen in a relatively small solution (only one C# source
file of a few hundred lines, but lots of "solution files" which are SQL

It happens rarely, but when it does it's very annoying... about one
keystroke per second will register. CPU spikes.

Sometimes it will stop by itself, but mostly I end up having to close and
re-open VS2008, and then it's cleared.

I do not see it very often, but I've seen it several times.

"Eugene Pasynkov (JetBrains)" <Eugene.Pasynkov@jetbrains.com> wrote in
message news:g57ssc$jo6$1@is.intellij.net...

Please, can you check that these delays occurs only with your large
solution, and with sample small one everything is ok?


Eugene Pasynkov
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
"Linus" <signup@roslund.eu> wrote in message

>>I have this problem too. I'm using quite a large solution and it worked
>>fine with ReSharper 3 but now after upgrading to version 4 it's like the
>>others describe it, lagging a lot when typing. I also experience a 10
>>second hang after building any one of my projects. Have never had that
>>before either.

Permanently deleted user

Despite the fact that it can get too slow and Resharper might need some optimization there, it looks like that file is way too big from an architectural point of view (though not necessarily).

Permanently deleted user

please stop brining this argument about files being too big from architectural point of view. One of the reasons people want to use tools as R# is exactly the fact that they have to dig through old and "grown" code - not written by themselves - and R# should guide them through this "dark land" by helping them understand - and eventually refactor - the mess. If all classes were clean and only 50 lines of codes length, nobody would need R#. That's the reason R# should handle big, ugly chunks of code at least as well as nice, shiny ones.

Permanently deleted user

After upgrading my single-core CPU to a dual-core (AMD 4200 X2) the problem is almost imperceptible, now r# is fast no matter the size of the project.

I think that R# is not optimized to single core.

Anyway I have made a macro to enable and disable R# and you can put buttons in toolbar to these macros.
Public Sub DisableReSharper()
For Each addIn In DTE.AddIns
If (addIn.ProgID = "ReSharper") Then
addIn.Connected = False
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

Public Sub EnableResharper()
For Each addIn In DTE.AddIns
If (addIn.ProgID = "ReSharper") Then
addIn.Connected = True
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

Permanently deleted user

Urs Eichmann wrote:

please stop brining this argument about files being too big from
architectural point of view. One of the reasons people want to use
tools as R# is exactly the fact that they have to dig through old and
"grown" code - not written by themselves - and R# should guide them
through this "dark land" by helping them understand - and eventually
refactor - the mess. If all classes were clean and only 50 lines of
codes length, nobody would need R#. That's the reason R# should
handle big, ugly chunks of code at least as well as nice, shiny ones.

I must agree with you!

by Peter Sulek at 24. 7. 2008 10:17:05

Permanently deleted user

Hi - Just curious if you have made any progress on this issue. I am currently evaluating an ugprade to Resharper 4 for my team and this is a showstopper issue for us. Our environment is Windows XP and Vista (both 32-bit), 2 GB and 4 GB RAM, AMD single core (e.g. Athlon64 3800), and Visual Studio 2008. We get the same problem on different machines with a mixture of these specs.

It is definitely Resharper 4 that is causing the problem. In the same environment, we have no problem with Resharper 3.1. With Resharper 4, we can see devenv.exe CPU usage spike very high on each key press. Also, to further confirm it is Resharper 4 if we disable the Resharper 4 add-in we do not see the CPU usage spike on each key press.

Finally, solution size has nothing to do with the problem. To confirm, I created a new Visual C# console application and had the same issue. In Visual Studio 2008, select File->New Project, select Visual C# for project type and then select the Console application template. That's all I did and could reproduce the issue.




Agree. But still it is hard to build a car that can drive 80 km/h regardless
of the road conditions, isn't it? Anyway, we are planning next minor release
(preliminary version number 4.5), and its major focus is already defined:
Performance and RAM usage.

Ilya Ryzhenkov

JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

IR> please stop brining this argument about files being too big from
IR> architectural point of view. One of the reasons people want to use
IR> tools as R# is exactly the fact that they have to dig through old
IR> and "grown" code - not written by themselves - and R# should guide
IR> them through this "dark land" by helping them understand - and
IR> eventually refactor - the mess. If all classes were clean and only
IR> 50 lines of codes length, nobody would need R#. That's the reason R#
IR> should handle big, ugly chunks of code at least as well as nice,
IR> shiny ones.

Permanently deleted user

Once upon a time, it was suggested that the VS Class and Method Navigators
at the top of the editor window were the cause of this. At that time, I
disabled them and have never had these slow typing issues. Has this been
tried here yet?

"Kirk Woll" <kirk@digimax.com> wrote in message
>I just upgraded to version 4 today and the performance of the editor (in VS
>2005) is dreadful. There's a delay of at least half a second between when
>I start typing and when I see any changes in the editor. I tried turning
>of all Code Analysis but that made no difference. Let me know how I can
>provide more useful info. (is there a built-in profiler I can enable or




Permanently deleted user

FYI - I am running without the VS class and method navigator drop downs.

Permanently deleted user

I also want to add that this past weekend I wiped the OS on a machine and completely reinstalled everything and I continue to have the same editing issue with Resharper 4. Here are the details:

- Windows XP Pro (32-bit) with SP2
- .NET 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5
- SQL Server 2005 (developer edition) with SP2
- Visual Studio 2008 (team system development edition)
- all latest Microsoft/Windows Updates applied as of 7/31 (except Windows XP SP3 given its reported problems, and I also did not install Windows Search 4.0 which was an optional software update)
- AMD 3800+ CPU (single core), 4 GB RAM

I'm not sure what other info to give, but the problem continues to be the same: devenv.exe spikes to 99%/100% on each keypress only when Resharper 4 is enabled.


Permanently deleted user


I'm not sure what other info to give, but the problem continues to be
the same: devenv.exe spikes to 99%/100% on each keypress only when
Resharper 4 is enabled.

Still no luck catching the issue :(

We've identified a handful of things that could be improved, but they could
not possibly account for a CPU burn you're experiencing.

There's a reliable way of identifying the issue, but it means some additional
activities on your side. Capturing a performance profiling snapshot, such
as with dotTrace, would usually make the problematic code come clear in the
traces. And it's still not too late for the fix to get into the August release
of R# 4.0.1.

The dotTrace profiler download is available at http://www.jetbrains.com/profiler/download/index.html,
fully-functional for 10 days without any license key. The application being
profiled (devenv.exe) should be started from within the profiler. When the
perf problem manifests itself, take a snapshot by clicking the "Start Profiling"
button in the "Control Profiling" window, doing some typing in the text editor
to get the issue recorded, and then clicking "Get Snapshot". The resulting
snapshot file is usually small enough to be emailed or uploaded.

We're planning to include the profiling engine with R# to make submitting
perf problems as simple as submitting exceptions is, but that will not be
available until the next major release.

Serge Baltic
JetBrains, Inc — http://www.jetbrains.com
“Develop with pleasure!”


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