After Ctrl+S (or Cmd+S), Code Cleanup is not working automatically.
I checked Automatically run cleanup when saving a file as like shown in capture image.
I was coding with cs or razor file.
But this function is not working still.
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Will it start working if you clear the current value in the “Only in files matching the mask” field?
Also, which Code Cleanup profile is selected as a default one here ReSharper | Options | Code Editing | Code Cleanup | Profiles?
I am having the same problem. No Cleanup is performed on Saving. Using the "Cleanup Code..." entry from the context menu is working.
I have the "Built In: Full Cleanup" profile selected
I also tried it without any filter in "Only in files matching the mask"
thank you for contacting us.
Please check that the following option is turned on: Code Editing | Code Cleanup | General | Automatically run cleanup when saving a file.
Thank you!
Yes, the option is turned on.
The automatic cleanup is working on other files, for example on .cs files.
thank you for the answer.
For what files it doesn't work?
Thank you!
It doesn't work on razor files.
thank you for the answer.
This happens to be a known issue - You are welcome to comment and vote for it.
Thank you!