R++ loaded in VS 2022 but no Feature available

I have installed R++ on my VS 2022 Community Edition. It shows up under Extensions and I can configure it but not a single features is working. It kinda feels like VS is running in some kind of sandbox or something and R++ can't access it. I have tried many things I found here and on other websites but nothing worked.



Please create a new small solution from template. Does R# still not work in it? If so, please send us the log (ReSharper | Help | Show Log).



Yes I have tried with a simple C++ Console Application nothing worked their either.



16:09:47.391 |I| AddVsVersionToLogs            | :1                 | JetBrains ReSharper 2022.2.3 Build 222.0.20220901.62528

16:09:47.396 |I| AddVsVersionToLogs            | :1                 | Running in Visual Studio Community 2022, Version 17.3.6 (17.3.32929.385), Hive: 17.0_bdba52c2

16:09:47.399 |I| AddVsVersionToLogs            | :1                 | Running on Windows 10 Pro 22H2, build 22621.674, Professional, Client (Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.22621.0)

16:09:51.752 |W| VsWorkspaceListener           | :1                 | Could not get IVsSolutionWorkspaceService. System.InvalidOperationException. Could not query the service provider for the service ID {66685CD1-6BE5-4285-A1A4-1CEBC413F04F}.

16:09:52.724 |I| ProjectModelSynchronizer      | :1                 | ToHitemInSharedProject for VsHierarchyItem(01793BAB Test, 0000000000000006)

16:09:52.725 |I| ProjectModelSynchronizer      | :1                 | ToHitemInSharedProject for VsHierarchyItem(01793BAB Test, 0000000000000006) completed

16:09:52.725 |I| ProjectModelSynchronizer      | :1                 | ToHitemInSharedProject for VsHierarchyItem(01793BAB Test, 0000000000000006)

16:09:52.725 |I| ProjectModelSynchronizer      | :1                 | ToHitemInSharedProject for VsHierarchyItem(01793BAB Test, 0000000000000006) completed

16:10:02.846 |I| ProjectModelSynchronizer      | :1                 | ToHitemInSharedProject for VsHierarchyItem(01793BAB Test, 0000000000000006)

16:10:02.846 |I| ProjectModelSynchronizer      | :1                 | ToHitemInSharedProject for VsHierarchyItem(01793BAB Test, 0000000000000006) completed

16:10:02.846 |I| ProjectModelSynchronizer      | :1                 | ToHitemInSharedProject for VsHierarchyItem(01793BAB Test, 0000000000000006)

16:10:02.846 |I| ProjectModelSynchronizer      | :1                 | ToHitemInSharedProject for VsHierarchyItem(01793BAB Test, 0000000000000006) completed

16:10:02.846 |W| RunningDocuments              | :1                 | Unlocking unknown document 1 by 0000000000000004

Could you please also collect a more verbose log with the same scenario? Launch Visual Studio with the following command-line args: "/ReSharper.LogFile {path to log file} /ReSharper.LogLevel Trace" with {path to log file} replaced to a path to save the log to. Open the small solution and upload the log to https://uploads.jetbrains.com/. Thanks!


I have uploaded the log:


Upload id: 2022_11_06_MPqdWXJPpjGgwcFtZUAD1u (file: resharper_log.zip)


Thanks! I see an error in the logs which should be already fixed in 2022.3. Could you please try the latest 2022.3 preview build from https://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/nextversion/ or Toolbox?


Now some things work, but for example refactoring on ; or } still does nothing. I uploaded a new log


Upload id: 2022_11_06_2Rhjy4PPYLiiRNttKjcyJN (file: resharper_log.err.zip)


Could you please elaborate what you mean by "refactoring on ; or }"? What are you trying to do exactly?


Usually R++ should refactor the codeblock I just closed with }. For example


void test() {
int a = 2;
int b=3;

Usually it should perform a refactor after I press }. Atleast R++ used to do this for me before?


It doesn't by default. You need to enable this in settings:

Alternatively, you can also try the Visual Studio's builtin typing assist:


Thank you, after disabling and enabling this option it works again. Thank you for your help :)


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