Test Runner not discovering async tests in MSTest.

Resharper:  2021.3.3

Visual Studio:  2022 version 17.0.5

When using the resharper test runner.  Any tests marked as async are not discovered.  These tests are discovered by the microsoft test runner.

This is affecting my ability to check code coverage etc.

Does anyone know of any solution to this problem as we have a requirement for a certain amount of test coverage, and I know we have other async tests elsewhere which will likely also be affected.

1 comment

Hi @Aideneades!

Could you please clarify the test framework in use?

Please also try changing the discovery method to "Test Runner" at ReSharper | Options | Tools | Unit Testing | Test Frameworks | <test framework> | Test Discovery. Once changed, it is required to rebuild the whole solution. 

Please let me know if it helped or not. Have a nice day! 


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