How to exclude folders which are not part of the solution from searching result
Search and Navigation in the "Elements to skip" doesn't allow add folders that are not part of the solution.
For example I cannot filter out "Windows Kits" from searching results. That causes a lot of "noise".
File mask like Windows Kits\** doesn't seem to work as well.
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File masks should work for this case, but seems that currently they do not affect files which are not part of the current solution, I've filed
You should be able to use the "Group by" option in the "Find Results" window to make the find results easier to go through:
Could you please also elaborate what you are searching for so that you get many results from the Windows SDK headers? Or are you using text search and just get text matches there?
Hi @...,
I've attached image below. Mostly I like using Ctrl+T for fast searching. As you can see it is full of results from Windows Kits folder.
Below is my search settings that doesn't seem to work:
Find result window requires extra action and it is not so fast as Ctrl+T combination.
This is a bug which was introduced in 2021.3. Matching items from library headers should not be shown unless "Include library types" is checked or there are no matches inside the solution. We'll include the fix into the next bugfix update -
Thanks a lot!