Resharper C++ 2021.1.5 Heavy performance problems (VS 2019 16.10.4)
When I'm trying to type code, literally every some seconds the editor freezes and I get this message:
Working is completely impossible.
When I disable the Resharper extension, I can type normally.
I already tried restarting VS/my machine and clearing the caches, no change.
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A downgrade to 2021.1.3 helped.
I have to correct myself here, it looked good at first, now the problems are back.
Which leads me to the conclusion that Resharper may not be the culprit here...
You can try suspending ReSharper in "Tools | Options | ReSharper" to check if ReSharper causes this. If it does, please collect and send us a timeline trace -
It really looks like Resharper is causing the problems, when suspended, I have no problems in the editor. But I used 2021.1.3 for some time without problems. And I also have connection problems to our Azure DevOps server. But I'm surprised that Resharper/VS is using the network while I'm just typing code.
I tried to create a performance snapshot, but I got this:
Regarding the profiler error, could you please archive the logs from %windir%\Temp\JetLogs and upload them to
ReSharper by itself should not be using the network, except for license validation purposes. You probably don't have a standalone dotTrace installed to collect a snapshot, is that right?
Upload ID for the JetLogs: 2021_07_28_P5y4a3ZCkacGMeqk
And thanks to our dotUltimate license I could install dotTrace, but as a C++ developer, I have no idea how to use it, so please give me some advice what to do with it :)
Btw: I'm back on 2021.1.5 now, as downgrading made no difference
Thanks for the logs!
Re dotTrace: select devenv.exe from the list of processes, select "Timeline" profiling type, select "Collect profiling data from start", press "Start". Reproduce the performance issues in VS, stop profiling, export the snapshot on the "Snapshots" tab, upload it to Please note that the recorded trace can be quite large, so it's probably better to limit the recording time to say a minute or two. Thanks!
Unfortunately, I get a similar error like above when I try to start the profiling:
Sorry about that, one thing that can cause it is that there are already too many running ETW sessions on your machine (though this is somewhat unusual, the default limit is 64 sessions). Could you please also send us the contents of `%temp%\JetLogs` to verify this? Running "logman query -ets" in your console should show you the currently running trace event sessions, could you please share its output?
Upload ID: 2021_07_29_3etCbyLMFTMF563v (file:
Output of above command:
The dotTrace team can't seem to find the required logs in that folder, sorry about that. If you're still willing to help us, it should be possible to capture a performance trace with the Microsoft's perfview tool:
1) Download
2) Run "PerfView.exe collect /zip:true /nogui /threadtime:true /AcceptEULA" from an elevated command prompt. This will launch another window and begin tracing.
3) Reproduce the performance issues in VS.
4) Press S on the window that showed up in step 2. This will generate a file called PerfViewData.ETL.ZIP, send it to us.
Also, could you please check what the memory usage of the Visual Studio process is like? If it's higher than ~2Gb, it might indicate memory usage issues.
Thanks a lot for your help!
Sorry for the delay, there's a lot of work atm. But I still would like to get to the bottom of this problem.
I downloaded PerfView.exe and tracing seems to work.
The only problem is, that I don't have the issues I described above atm. But also our company network does not have the issues it had when I reported this. So I'm assuming that this is connected. As soon as these issues return (from experience those network issues will return at some point), I will create a trace and post it here.
Regarding memory usage: right after loading our solution it's ~1,2GB and after working a little bit it's often above 2GB, so yeah, we also suffer from that... really looking forward to the 64bit version of VS.
1.2GB is not too bad, but initial VS 2022 support should be available soon, follow if you're interested.