"To improve performance, some third-party web files are not indexed."


Can we stop this message from popping up every single time we open a solution with a web project in it?

I have already explicitly excluded the files which are not being indexed. I don't need R# to tell me about it every time I open the project!

This started in R# 2021.1.


Hello Richard,


Sorry for the delay in responding.

Do I understand correctly that you've excluded the files using Third-Party Code settings?

To get rid of the notification you need to select Show and then check/uncheck needed items and select OK.

Thank you.



So there's another solution though it stops notification for all solutions:

To stop auto-detection and ignoring large unused web files, clear "Search for web files that can affect performance and exclude them from indexing checkbox: on the ReSharper | Code Editing | TypeScirpt | Inspections.

Thank you.


I added the files to the "ignored code" settings in R# 2020:

The files 2021 is suggesting are all in the "js\lib" folder, which is already ignored.

I'll try the "Show/OK" option to see if that works.


The "Show/OK" option seems to work, thanks.


Hello Richard,

It's recommended to add web files (js, ts, css etc) to ReSharper | Options | Code Editing | Third-Party Code. So the notification appeared as ReSharper was looking in Third-Party Code section.

Ignored code is used for C# code only. I know there could be confusion, so we've created a help article describing the difference - https://www.jetbrains.com/help/resharper/Ignore_Parts_of_Code.html.

Thank you.


Unfortunately, moving the files from "ignored code" to "library code" means that SWEA still shows errors in the third-party files.


Same problem with the "skipped code" option - SWEA still analyses the files and displays errors.

The only way to remove the errors is to add the affected files/folders to the "ignored code" option. Which suggests that this is not just used for C# code.


Have you tried reopening the solution after adding files to Third-Party Code? It's required in this case.

Thank you.


Well, that's annoying. Restarting works for the "third-party code" option; but the "ignored code" option works without a restart.


Hello Richard,

One clarification: you don't need to reopen the solution, just reopening the file should apply the changes.

Anyway, I've filed a corresponding request - https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RSRP-484174.

You are welcome to share your thoughts as a comment to the issue.

Thank you.


I had the same problem with this popup appearing, where previously it didn't.

"To get rid of the notification you need to select Show and then check/uncheck needed items and select OK." fixed it, however it is not intuitive and the times I did click on Show, I wasn't clicking OK to close the Window so the popup kept re-appearing.

Better to have a "Don't show this again" link on the popup, or some kind of cue that you need to save your preferences.


Hello Richard Moore


We have a request for improving user experience of this feature - https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RSRP-484086.

You are welcome to share your thoughts there.

Thank you.


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