Disable adornment at end of method declaration


Win10 Pro, VS 2015, ReSharper 2020.3

When debugging, hints keep appearing at the ends of lines, whether it is method declaration or variable declaration and assignment.

I don't know what these are called and have not found a way to turn them off.

Here is an example:

How do I turn these off?

As much as I like ReSharper, too often it tries to do too much....



Hello Charles Bates,

On the "ReSharper | Options | Tools | Debugger | Editor Integration" page you can configure ReSharper's debugging assistance in the editor.

You can also disable this feature fully in "ReSharper | Options | Environment | Products & Features | Debugger Integration".

Please let me know If you have any questions, have a great day!


Thanks for the quick reply.

I didn't scroll down far enough to look in to debugger settings....


Something has changed again, not sure if it is in ReSharper 2020.3 or VS 2015, but the unwanted data hints have reappeared. 


Hello Charles Bates,

Please try to turn off the ReSharper | Options | Environment | Inlay Hints | General | "Enable Inlay Hints" setting.


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