Unit-Test problem in EAP8
Just stumbled over a problem in R# Unit Test Runner. I have a solution which uses Dapper and Dapper.FluentMapping. I none Mapping file i had accidentially a duplicate mapping definition. If i run the unit tests with the Visual Studio Testrunner following error will be shown:
If i debug the unit test with the Visual Studio Test Runner the debugger exits at the faulty position.
When i run the test with R# Test Runner the same result is displayed. But when i debug the test the following is shown by the debugger at the faulty position:
This is misleading as it hides the real error. Also continue debugging at this point leads to an endless loop. I can only stop the debugging session and have no chance to detect the real error.
Kind Regards
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Hello Andreas,
thank you for the feedback.
Could you please specify what test framework do you use?
Is there any chance you could provide us some sample solution demonstrating the problem?
Thank you.
I'm using MSTest. I will create a sample solution, but i'm afraid i have no time today. I let you know when i uploaded it.
Hello Andreas,
Please also try the latest EAP - https://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/nextversion/#section=windows as it contains some unit testing fixes.
Please let me know if the problem persists.
Thank you.
Just installed EAP9 and the problem still persists.
Hello Andreas,
Could you please run Visual Studio with the following command line: ``devenv /ReSharper.LogFile C:\log\resharper_log.txt /ReSharper.LogLevel Verbose``, reproduce the issue and send us a corresponding 'resharper_log.txt' file via "Submit a request" form.
Thank you.
Andreas, could you please show stacktrace of exception you break at when debugging test with our runner? I suspect it might be a different one. If that's not it, then I can't reproduce the problem. For me it always breaks in user code for me.
The stacktrace of the exception is as follows:
I copied it from the Unittest Session Window. In the debugger no exception is shown, just the "Could not find Executor.cs" i showed in my initial posting. The variable window shows the folloing:
I posted the log file Angelina requested in paralllel via the Submit Request form. Request number is 2795158.
Kind Regards
As noted in the request, checking "Enable Just My Code" in the debugger options solves the problem.
Hello Andreas,
thank you for letting me know.