WARN Transition declined: Transition from state <v1.HostBinding> on event <remote::1.TestExecution.StatsChange>

Currently getting the error (warning) above on any test on .NET Core.  Have reinstalled R# and now on latest 2020.1.3 on VS2019 16.4.2.  A new class library project with only these references


<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


  <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="15.6.0" />
    <PackageReference Include="Moq" Version="4.8.2" />
    <PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="3.9.0" />
    <PackageReference Include="NUnit3TestAdapter" Version="3.16.1" />

Yields this issue immediately on a new nunit test that has a single assert 
public class Class1
  public void A_test()
If I use Test - Test Explorer everything works as expected, test runs and passes.  Only R# runner has the problem.
2020.07.09 08:31:54.891 WARN Transition declined: Transition from state <v1.HostBinding> on event <remote::1.TestExecution.StatsChange>.
2020.07.09 08:31:54.967 WARN Element ClassLibrary1.Class1.A_test was left pending after its run completion.
I've copied the log below (devenv /ReSharper.LogFile D:\resharper_log.txt /ReSharper.LogLevel Verbose) because the web form and FTP links below are both failing
-- Full log follows - REMOVED as too long - I can email full log if you well tell me where

08:31:49.810 |V| UnitTestExplorationLogger | :24 | Exploration finished for <ClassLibrary1,.NETCoreApp,Version=v3.1,xUnit.net>: Skipped (Not supported by provider)
08:31:49.810 |I| UnitTestExplorationLogger | :24 | Exploration finished for <ClassLibrary1,.NETCoreApp,Version=v3.1>: Success
08:31:49.810 |I| UnitTestExplorationLogger | :24 | Exploration finished for <ClassLibrary1>: Success
08:31:49.810 |I| UnitTestLaunch | :24 | DiscoveryStage completed
08:31:49.810 |I| UnitTestLaunch | :24 | BuildPipelineStage started
08:31:49.814 |I| UnitTestLaunch | :24 | BuildPipelineStage completed
08:31:49.814 |I| UnitTestLaunch | :24 | ApplyRulesStage started
08:31:49.827 |V| UnitTestLaunch | :24 | Running elements from criterion: {TestAncestorCriterion: NUnit3x::B2550DA6-F3D2-413C-AC8C-816406BA5D6E::.NETCoreApp,Version=v3.1::ClassLibrary1.Class1.A_test}
08:31:49.828 |I| UnitTestLaunch | :24 | Got 1 elements (1 explicit) to run
08:31:49.832 |V| UnitTestLaunch | :24 | Marking 1 elements as Pending
08:31:49.864 |V| UnitTestLaunch | :24 | Marking elements as Pending completed
08:31:49.866 |V| UnitTestLaunch | :24 | Distributing 1 elements into runs
08:31:49.906 |V| UnitTestLaunch | :24 | Distributing elements completed
08:31:49.906 |I| UnitTestLaunch | :24 | Created 1 unit-test runs
08:31:49.907 |I| UnitTestLaunch | :24 | ApplyRulesStage completed
08:31:49.907 |I| UnitTestLaunch | :24 | RunTestsStage started
08:31:49.910 |I| UnitTestLaunch | :24 | Running up to 1 unit-test runs in parallel
08:31:49.920 |I| UnitTestLaunch | :24 | Run: 54210a79-b0eb-4baa-9e8d-619b04033d72 - Starting
08:31:49.921 |V| UnitTestLaunch | :24 | Provider: NUnit 3x
Target Framework: .NETCoreApp,Version=v3.1
Strategy: NUnitDotNetVsTestRunStrategy
Runtime Enviroment: DotNetCoreRuntimeEnvironment
Project: ClassLibrary1
TargetFrameworkId: .NETCoreApp,Version=v3.1
TargetPlatform: X64
08:31:49.925 |I| UnitTestSessionTree | :1 | New property UnitTestStatusTuple::UnitTestSessionTree.Status initialized with value “Own: Unknown Propagated: None”.
08:31:49.978 |I| JsonBasedUnitTestServer | :97 | UnitTestServer started on port 63447
08:31:49.986 |I| UnitTestLaunch | :97 | [ProcessStartInfoPatchResult]
Original request: DotNetCoreRequest
Success: True
ErrorMessage: <Empty>
Original StartInfo: FileName = 'vstest', Arguments = '/port:63447 ', WorkDir = 'C:\Users\sean.fackrell\source\repos\ClassLibrary1'
Patched StartInfo: FileName = 'dotnet', Arguments = '"vstest" /port:63447 ', WorkDir = 'C:\Users\sean.fackrell\source\repos\ClassLibrary1'

08:31:49.986 |I| NUnitDotNetVsTestRunStrategy | :97 | [ProcessStartInfoPatchResult]
Original request: DotNetCoreRequest
Success: True
ErrorMessage: <Empty>
Original StartInfo: FileName = 'vstest', Arguments = '/port:63447 ', WorkDir = 'C:\Users\sean.fackrell\source\repos\ClassLibrary1'
Patched StartInfo: FileName = 'dotnet', Arguments = '"vstest" /port:63447 ', WorkDir = 'C:\Users\sean.fackrell\source\repos\ClassLibrary1'

08:31:49.986 |I| UnitTestLaunch | :97 | Starting process: dotnet "vstest" /port:63447
08:31:49.986 |I| NUnitDotNetVsTestRunStrategy | :97 | Starting process: dotnet "vstest" /port:63447
08:31:50.051 |I| UnitTestLaunch | :97 | Started process with pid 8556
08:31:50.051 |I| NUnitDotNetVsTestRunStrategy | :97 | Started process with pid 8556
08:31:50.061 |I| UnitTestSessionTree | :1 | UnitTestStatusTuple::UnitTestSessionTree.Status: “Own: Unknown Propagated: None” -> “Own: None Propagated: Unknown”
08:31:50.471 |I| UnitTestSessionConductor | :1 | Create unit-test session view model 'Session::Name=A_test' (1bc9a391-e142-4ab2-9b7f-6c8632eaf56f)
08:31:50.577 |V| RunningAvalonWindowsList | :1 | Found a possibly-Avalon window HWND 00020BAE, adding to the waiting list to see for a Presentation Source.
08:31:50.629 |V| ComponentStorage | :1 | Factory(OnRenderView) created
08:31:50.631 |V| RuntimeMemberComponentDescriptor| :1 | Sync Creating Runtime Type Member Component instance for JetBrains.UI.SrcView.ToolWindowManagement.ToolWindowFrameContentPlaceholderView::OnRenderView on thread :1.
08:31:50.683 |V| RunningAvalonWindowsList | :1 | Possibly-Avalon window HWND 00020BAE got WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED and now has a Presentation Source Hebug available, listing as a window.
08:31:50.683 |V| RunningAvalonWindowsList | :1 | << (Opening) Avalon Window HwndWrapper#00020BAE-Hebug
08:31:50.683 |V| AvalonHwndSourceDpiCharmer | :1 | << (Opening) Request to DPI-charm an Avalon window 00020BAE HWND Source Hebug.
08:31:50.683 |V| AvalonHwndSourceDpiCharmer | :1 | << (Opening) DPI Charmer for Avalon window 00020BAE HWND Target Wedyd in Gen2Dynamic mode.
08:31:50.683 |V| AvalonHwndSourceDpiCharmer | :1 | Forcing DPI values 96 on Avalon window 00020BAE HWND Target Wedyd in mode Gen2Dynamic.
08:31:50.762 |V| Relem | :1 | << (Opening) ResultList UI binding automation object UIResultListPublisherAutomation+Relem.
08:31:51.511 |V| RunningAvalonWindowsList | :1 | Found a possibly-Avalon window HWND 00020B8C, adding to the waiting list to see for a Presentation Source.
08:31:51.548 |V| ComponentStorage | :1 | Factory(OnRenderView) created
08:31:51.548 |V| RuntimeMemberComponentDescriptor| :1 | Sync Creating Runtime Type Member Component instance for JetBrains.UI.SrcView.ToolWindowManagement.TabbedToolWindowTabStripView::OnRenderView on thread :1.
08:31:51.663 |V| ComponentStorage | :1 | Factory(OnRenderView) created
08:31:51.663 |V| RuntimeMemberComponentDescriptor| :1 | Sync Creating Runtime Type Member Component instance for JetBrains.UI.SrcView.ToolWindowManagement.ToolWindowFrameContentPlaceholderView::OnRenderView on thread :1.
08:31:51.797 |I| JsonBasedUnitTestServer | :94 | connected
08:31:51.919 |I| JsonBasedRemoteChannel | :97 | Sending message 'ProtocolVersion'
08:31:51.919 |I| JsonBasedRemoteChannel | :97 | Sent message 'ProtocolVersion'
08:31:51.941 |I| UnitTestLaunch | :97 | Using test adapter: C:\Users\sean.fackrell\source\repos\ClassLibrary1\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\NUnit3.TestAdapter.dll
08:31:51.941 |I| NUnitDotNetVsTestRunStrategy | :97 | Using test adapter: C:\Users\sean.fackrell\source\repos\ClassLibrary1\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\NUnit3.TestAdapter.dll
08:31:51.941 |I| JsonBasedRemoteChannel | :97 | Sending message 'Extensions.Initialize'
08:31:51.941 |I| JsonBasedRemoteChannel | :97 | Sent message 'Extensions.Initialize'
08:31:52.012 |V| Relem | :1 | << (Opening) Attached to Avalon element for automation UIResultListPublisherAutomation+Relem.
08:31:52.206 |V| RunningAvalonWindowsList | :1 | Possibly-Avalon window HWND 00020B8C got WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED and now has a Presentation Source Cizev available, listing as a window.
08:31:52.206 |V| RunningAvalonWindowsList | :1 | << (Opening) Avalon Window HwndWrapper#00020B8C-Cizev
08:31:52.206 |V| AvalonHwndSourceDpiCharmer | :1 | << (Opening) Request to DPI-charm an Avalon window 00020B8C HWND Source Cizev.
08:31:52.206 |V| AvalonHwndSourceDpiCharmer | :1 | << (Opening) DPI Charmer for Avalon window 00020B8C HWND Target Qagyp in Gen2Dynamic mode.
08:31:52.207 |V| TopLevelWindowDpiTracker | :1 | << (Opening) WindowDpiTracker attaching to NWHD 00020B8C.
08:31:52.207 |V| AvalonHwndSourceDpiCharmer | :1 | Forcing DPI values 96 on Avalon window 00020B8C HWND Target Qagyp in mode Gen2Dynamic.
08:31:52.253 |V| RunningAvalonWindowsList | :1 | Found a possibly-Avalon window HWND 00030B5E, adding to the waiting list to see for a Presentation Source.
08:31:52.285 |V| VsFloatingWindowMonitorJustVs16| :1 | VS window activated. Handle=20B8C. “Microsoft.VisualStudio.PlatformUI.Shell.Controls.FloatingWindow, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.ViewManager, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a”
08:31:52.502 |I| UnitTestSessionTree | :1 | New property UnitTestStatusTuple::UnitTestSessionTree.Status initialized with value “Own: Unknown Propagated: None”.
08:31:52.502 |I| UnitTestSessionTree | :1 | UnitTestStatusTuple::UnitTestSessionTree.Status: “Own: Unknown Propagated: None” -> “Own: None Propagated: Unknown”
08:31:52.510 |I| UnitTestSessionConductor | :1 | Create unit-test session view model 'Session::Name=A_test #2' (b6f55b45-bfdf-44a3-9811-17709423ffee)
08:31:52.559 |I| UnitTestSessionTree | JetPool(S) #1:41 | UnitTestStatusTuple::UnitTestSessionTree.Status: “Own: None Propagated: Unknown” -> “Own: None Propagated: Unknown | Inconclusive”
08:31:52.677 |V| ComponentStorage | :1 | Factory(OnRenderView) created
08:31:52.677 |V| RuntimeMemberComponentDescriptor| :1 | Sync Creating Runtime Type Member Component instance for JetBrains.UI.SrcView.ToolWindowManagement.ToolWindowFrameContentPlaceholderView::OnRenderView on thread :1.
08:31:52.679 |V| Jenet | :1 | << (Opening) ResultList UI binding automation object UIResultListPublisherAutomation+Jenet.
08:31:52.698 |I| UnitTestSessionTree | :1 | New property UnitTestStatusTuple::UnitTestSessionTree.Status initialized with value “Own: Unknown Propagated: None”.
08:31:52.698 |I| UnitTestSessionTree | :1 | UnitTestStatusTuple::UnitTestSessionTree.Status: “Own: Unknown Propagated: None” -> “Own: None Propagated: Unknown”
08:31:52.699 |I| UnitTestSessionConductor | :1 | Create unit-test session view model 'Session::Name=A_test #3' (945968e8-3ad8-4237-a769-324e2b02e826)
08:31:52.703 |V| ComponentStorage | :1 | Factory(OnRenderView) created
08:31:52.704 |V| RuntimeMemberComponentDescriptor| :1 | Sync Creating Runtime Type Member Component instance for JetBrains.UI.SrcView.ToolWindowManagement.ToolWindowFrameContentPlaceholderView::OnRenderView on thread :1.
08:31:52.705 |V| Quqih | :1 | << (Opening) ResultList UI binding automation object UIResultListPublisherAutomation+Quqih.
08:31:52.749 |I| UnitTestSessionTree | JetPool(S) #1:41 | UnitTestStatusTuple::UnitTestSessionTree.Status: “Own: None Propagated: Unknown” -> “Own: None Propagated: Unknown | Pending”
08:31:53.007 |V| VsCommandScopeMonitor | :1 | Selected window frame changed to "Unit Test Sessions - A_test #2" 6bd997bb-d151-584f-9e60-18a921a96d60
08:31:53.026 |I| JsonBasedRemoteChannel | :25 | Sending message 'TestExecution.GetTestRunnerProcessStartInfoForRunSelected'
08:31:53.030 |I| JsonBasedRemoteChannel | :25 | Sent message 'TestExecution.GetTestRunnerProcessStartInfoForRunSelected'
08:31:53.049 |V| Relem | :1 | >> (Closing) Attached to Avalon element for automation UIResultListPublisherAutomation+Relem.
08:31:53.117 |V| Quqih | :1 | << (Opening) Attached to Avalon element for automation UIResultListPublisherAutomation+Quqih.
08:31:53.125 |V| Quqih | :1 | << (Opening) IsToPublish high, publishing the result list.
08:31:54.416 |I| UnitTestLaunch | :97 | NUnit Adapter Test execution started
08:31:54.416 |I| NUnitDotNetVsTestRunStrategy | :97 | NUnit Adapter Test execution started
08:31:54.427 |I| UnitTestLaunch | :97 | Running selected tests in C:\Users\sean.fackrell\source\repos\ClassLibrary1\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\ClassLibrary1.dll
08:31:54.427 |I| NUnitDotNetVsTestRunStrategy | :97 | Running selected tests in C:\Users\sean.fackrell\source\repos\ClassLibrary1\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\ClassLibrary1.dll
08:31:54.659 |I| UnitTestLaunch | :97 | NUnit3TestExecutor converted 1 of 1 NUnit test cases
08:31:54.659 |I| NUnitDotNetVsTestRunStrategy | :97 | NUnit3TestExecutor converted 1 of 1 NUnit test cases
08:31:54.723 |I| UnitTestLaunch | :97 | NUnit Adapter Test execution complete
08:31:54.723 |I| NUnitDotNetVsTestRunStrategy | :97 | NUnit Adapter Test execution complete
08:31:54.891 |W| UnitTestLaunch | :97 | Transition declined: Transition from state <v1.HostBinding> on event <remote::1.TestExecution.StatsChange>.
08:31:54.891 |W| NUnitDotNetVsTestRunStrategy | :97 | Transition declined: Transition from state <v1.HostBinding> on event <remote::1.TestExecution.StatsChange>.
08:31:54.895 |I| JsonBasedRemoteChannel | :97 | Sending message 'TestSession.Terminate'
08:31:54.895 |I| JsonBasedRemoteChannel | :97 | Sent message 'TestSession.Terminate'
08:31:54.896 |I| JsonBasedRemoteChannel | :63 | Can't read a string from the stream (Abort = False)
08:31:54.949 |I| UnitTestLaunch | :15 | Process dotnet:8556 has exited with code (0)
08:31:54.949 |I| NUnitDotNetVsTestRunStrategy | :15 | Process dotnet:8556 has exited with code (0)
08:31:54.949 |I| UnitTestLaunch | :15 | Output stream: Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version 16.7.0
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


08:31:54.949 |I| NUnitDotNetVsTestRunStrategy | :15 | Output stream: Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version 16.7.0
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


08:31:54.950 |I| JsonBasedUnitTestServer | JetPool(S) #1:41 | UnitTestServer stopping
08:31:54.950 |I| JsonBasedUnitTestServer | JetPool(S) #1:41 | UnitTestServer stopped
08:31:54.954 |I| UnitTestLaunch | :97 | Run: 54210a79-b0eb-4baa-9e8d-619b04033d72 - Finished
08:31:54.954 |I| UnitTestLaunch | :63 | RunTestsStage completed
08:31:54.954 |I| UnitTestLaunch | :63 | FinishLaunchStage started
08:31:54.959 |I| UnitTestLaunch | :63 | Finishing launch
08:31:54.967 |W| UnitTestLaunch | :63 | Element ClassLibrary1.Class1.A_test was left pending after its run completion.
08:31:54.979 |I| UnitTestLaunch | :63 | Launch is finished
08:31:54.979 |I| UnitTestLaunch | :63 | FinishLaunchStage completed
08:31:55.078 |I| UnitTestSessionTree | JetPool(S) #1:41 | UnitTestStatusTuple::UnitTestSessionTree.Status: “Own: None Propagated: Unknown | Pending” -> “Own: None Propagated: Unknown | Inconclusive”
08:35:21.785 |V| | ActivityLogsSubmitter:49 | Attempted to upload the activity log, server response: <html><body>
Thank you for your stat:
ProjectTypes:9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556 FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC=10,FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC=1,349C5851-65DF-11DA-9384-00065B846F21 9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556 FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC=1,00D1A9C2-B5F0-4AF3-8072-F6C62B433612=1;ExtensionTime:cs=0;VsAction:File.Exit=1,Edit.CharRight=2,Edit.WordNextExtend=1,Edit.CharLeft=2,Edit.CharLeftExtend=1,ProjectandSolutionContextMenus.Project.OpenFolderinFileExplorer=1,File.SaveAll=4,Debug.StartupProjects=37,Edit.Copy=3,Edit.Find=1,Window.NextDocumentWindowNav=2;Action:TextControl.Left=2,TextControl.Copy=3,TextControl.Right=2,TextControl.NextWord.Selection=1,GotoDeclaration=1,TextControl.Left.Selection=1;

08:35:21.949 |V| | ActivityLogsSubmitter:49 | Attempted to upload the activity log, server response: <html><body>
Thank you for your stat:

08:35:22.137 |V| | ActivityLogsSubmitter:49 | Attempted to upload the activity log, server response: <html><body>
Thank you for your stat:
Action:TextControl.Home.Selection=1,TextControl.Backspace=2,TextControl.End=3,TextControl.Enter=4,TextControl.Copy=1,TextControl.Tab=2,TextControl.Down=7,TextControl.Paste=1,AltEnter=1,TextControl.Cut=2;VsAction:Edit.LineEnd=3,Edit.SmartBreakLine=1,Edit.BreakLine=4,File.Exit=1,File.SaveSelectedItems=3,Edit.Cut=2,Tools.Options=1,Edit.InsertTab=2,ProjectandSolutionContextMenus.Project.OpenFolderinFileExplorer=1,Edit.Undo=1,Edit.LineDown=7,Edit.Paste=1,File.SaveAll=3,Edit.LineStartExtend=1,Edit.DeleteBackwards=2,Edit.Copy=1,Edit.SelectionCancel=1;ExtensionTime:cs=0;ProjectTypes:FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC=1;BulbAction:JetBrains.ReSharper.Feature.Services.QuickFixes.Scoped.Popups.ScopedPopupAction=1;Completion:Automatic code completion=6;PostfixTemplates:Present=1;

08:37:08.566 |V| VsFloatingWindowMonitorJustVs16| :1 | VS window activated. Handle=20B8C. “Microsoft.VisualStudio.PlatformUI.Shell.Controls.FloatingWindow, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.ViewManager, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a”
08:37:13.973 |V| RunningAvalonWindowsList | :1 | Found a possibly-Avalon window HWND 000D0B5C, adding to the waiting list to see for a Presentation Source.
08:37:13.999 |V| RunningAvalonWindowsList | :1 | Possibly-Avalon window HWND 000D0B5C got WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED and now has a Presentation Source Tinyl available, listing as a window.
08:37:13.999 |V| RunningAvalonWindowsList | :1 | << (Opening) Avalon Window HwndWrapper#000D0B5C-Tinyl
08:37:13.999 |V| AvalonHwndSourceDpiCharmer | :1 | << (Opening) Request to DPI-charm an Avalon window 000D0B5C HWND Source Tinyl.
08:37:13.999 |V| AvalonHwndSourceDpiCharmer | :1 | << (Opening) DPI Charmer for Avalon window 000D0B5C HWND Target Terab in Gen2Dynamic mode.
08:37:13.999 |V| TopLevelWindowDpiTracker | :1 | << (Opening) WindowDpiTracker attaching to NWHD 000D0B5C.
08:37:13.999 |V| AvalonHwndSourceDpiCharmer | :1 | Forcing DPI values 96 on Avalon window 000D0B5C HWND Target Terab in mode Gen2Dynamic.
08:37:14.800 |V| VsFloatingWindowMonitorJustVs16| :1 | Native window activated. Handle=D0B5C
08:37:14.805 |V| VsFloatingWindowMonitorJustVs16| :1 | VS window activated. Handle=20B8C. “Microsoft.VisualStudio.PlatformUI.Shell.Controls.FloatingWindow, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.ViewManager, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a”
08:37:14.831 |V| RunningAvalonWindowsList | :1 | Got WM_DESTROY for Avalon window HwndWrapper#000D0B5C-Tinyl, revoking.
08:37:14.831 |V| RunningAvalonWindowsList | :1 | >> (Closing) Avalon Window HwndWrapper#000D0B5C-Tinyl
08:37:14.831 |V| TopLevelWindowDpiTracker | :1 | >> (Closing) WindowDpiTracker attaching to NWHD 000D0B5C.
08:37:14.831 |V| AvalonHwndSourceDpiCharmer | :1 | >> (Closing) DPI Charmer for Avalon window 000D0B5C HWND Target Terab in Gen2Dynamic mode.
08:37:14.831 |V| AvalonHwndSourceDpiCharmer | :1 | >> (Closing) Request to DPI-charm an Avalon window 000D0B5C HWND Source Tinyl.
08:37:17.810 |V| RunningAvalonWindowsList | :1 | Found a possibly-Avalon window HWND 000E0B5C, adding to the waiting list to see for a Presentation Source.
08:37:17.832 |V| RunningAvalonWindowsList | :1 | Possibly-Avalon window HWND 000E0B5C got WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED and now has a Presentation Source Qofin available, listing as a window.
08:37:17.832 |V| RunningAvalonWindowsList | :1 | << (Opening) Avalon Window HwndWrapper#000E0B5C-Qofin
08:37:17.832 |V| AvalonHwndSourceDpiCharmer | :1 | << (Opening) Request to DPI-charm an Avalon window 000E0B5C HWND Source Qofin.
08:37:17.832 |V| AvalonHwndSourceDpiCharmer | :1 | << (Opening) DPI Charmer for Avalon window 000E0B5C HWND Target Kyzaw in Gen2Dynamic mode.
08:37:17.832 |V| TopLevelWindowDpiTracker | :1 | << (Opening) WindowDpiTracker attaching to NWHD 000E0B5C.
08:37:17.832 |V| AvalonHwndSourceDpiCharmer | :1 | Forcing DPI values 96 on Avalon window 000E0B5C HWND Target Kyzaw in mode Gen2Dynamic.
08:37:19.022 |V| VsFloatingWindowMonitorJustVs16| :1 | Native window activated. Handle=E0B5C
08:37:19.043 |V| VsFloatingWindowMonitorJustVs16| :1 | VS window activated. Handle=20B8C. “Microsoft.VisualStudio.PlatformUI.Shell.Controls.FloatingWindow, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.ViewManager, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a”
08:37:19.110 |V| RunningAvalonWindowsList | :1 | Got WM_DESTROY for Avalon window HwndWrapper#000E0B5C-Qofin, revoking.
08:37:19.110 |V| RunningAvalonWindowsList | :1 | >> (Closing) Avalon Window HwndWrapper#000E0B5C-Qofin
08:37:19.110 |V| TopLevelWindowDpiTracker | :1 | >> (Closing) WindowDpiTracker attaching to NWHD 000E0B5C.
08:37:19.110 |V| AvalonHwndSourceDpiCharmer | :1 | >> (Closing) DPI Charmer for Avalon window 000E0B5C HWND Target Kyzaw in Gen2Dynamic mode.
08:37:19.110 |V| AvalonHwndSourceDpiCharmer | :1 | >> (Closing) Request to DPI-charm an Avalon window 000E0B5C HWND Source Qofin.



I am getting same error but C#. Started happening when upgraded to latest VS19 Preview.





<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="16.6.1" />
<PackageReference Include="nunit" Version="3.12.0" />
<PackageReference Include="NUnit3TestAdapter" Version="3.17.0">
<IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>

Permanently deleted user

Would be good to get some help on how to resolve this.  We are all fully paid up Ultimate licence holders here so would be nice to at least get some support.


Same problem here. Uninstalling VS Preview fixed it for me


Receiving this error when debugging MSTest and XUnit:

  • Inconclusive: Run was cancelled
  • WARN Transition declined: Transition from state <v1.HostBinding> on event <remote::1.TestExecution.StatsChange>.

When "running" the tests, they are actually executed by the engine.

Any ideas on how to solve this issue?

Installed version:
JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate 2020.1.4 Build 201.0.20200702.125931 built on 2020-07-02
dotCover 2020.1.20200703.51343
dotTrace 2020.1.20200703.51429
ReSharper C++ 2020.1.20200702.132652
ReSharper 2020.1.20200702.133401
dotMemory 2020.1.20200703.51245

Visual Studio 2019

Project Type:  netcoreapp3.1

Permanently deleted user

As per Dan (thanks!) https://resharper-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360009305479/comments/360001903540 , I was able to workaround this by uninstalling



and then rebooting so

dotnet --info 

only showed

.NET Core SDKs installed:                                                                                                                                       
  1.0.0-preview2-003131 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]                                                                                                           
  1.1.0 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]                                                                                                                           
  2.1.201 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]                                                                                                                         
  2.2.106 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]                                                                                                                         
  2.2.204 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]                                                                                                                         
  3.1.101 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]   



As Dan and Sean suggested, I was able to get around it by uninstalling a preview version of .net core.

I was afflicted by a small twist, I did not have the dotnet 5 preview installed.  I had Visual Studio 2019 Preview installed and it installed a 3.1.x preview version.  I decided to uninstall VS2019 Preview for now and that got me running again.


Alternatively just run the MS Test Runner. The R# runner is not so much better (if at all) that it's a hardship. Just another reason for me to ask why my team continue to license R#. The pain it causes barely justifies the additional features it provides.




Sorry for the delay in responding.

The problem should be fixed in ReSharper 2020.2, you are welcome to try the latest EAP build - https://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/nextversion/#section=windows

Thank you.


Updating solved it for me!


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