RC++ 2019.2 not parsing the NMake inlcude paths
I'm using VS 2013 (yeah it's pretty ancient) after the update to RC++ 2019.2 all header-files which are outside the current directory of the file I'm editing are no longer found.
We are using inlcude paths, so all our includes are just:
#include "header.h"
In VS we have setup the NMake IntelliSense include path option to set up all our paths. I'm a very happy user of RC++ 2019.1.3 so far and this really is a complete show stopper and I had to rollback to it immediately.
The only thing which I noticed is, that the tooltip showed just a few paths (~10) it (not sure who provides that tooltip) searched instead of the many (~120) we have setup.
We are in a very busy time and it'll be tough for me to provide feedback in a quick manner.
Anyone else noticed this? I guess not, else it would have been fixed already...
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Sorry for the inconvenience, could you please try to unselect checkbox "ReSharper | Options | General | Solution Model | Read solution model directly...", then clear cashes (the button above) and reopen Visual Studio. If it fixes the issue, we will be sure, that the root of the issue is our new way of reading project properties.
I have tried it right now, and it fixes indeed the issue.
Thank you for the quick feedback and fix. And good luck in finding out what is wrong with your new way.
If I can be of assistance (sharing something of the project settings or otherwise), I'll try to get back to you.
We've switched to reading project properties via MSBuild by default, and apparently this new approach fails on your project. Would it be possible for you to share your project files without source code (.sln, .vcxproj, and .props files if there are any)? If so, please attach them to https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RSCPP-27433 so that we can reproduce locally and investigate (you can limit the visibility of the attachment to jetbrains-team).
Otherwise, could you please try to reduce your solution while R++ still fails to read project properties correctly with "Read solution model directly..." on and attach that?
Thanks a lot!
Hi Igor,
I've attached the requested files. I hope it helps, if you need further information on how our project works, let me know. It might be an unusual setup.
Glad to see that you are taking this serious and want to keep your product quality high.