Resharper "in" parameters seems to break overload resolution?
I'm seeing red squigglies on code where resharper apparently cant disambiguate method overloads, but I think it's only when using "in" parameters.
This is fine:
However, making the parameters to Match `in`, results in this
And to get rid of the red wiggle, I need to specify the generic type:
The wiggle now goes away, but you can see that Validated<TR> is greyed out as it's uncessary.
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The project builds fine with the red squigglies.
Hello Stuart!
Thank you for contacting us.
Could you please provide some code sample demonstrating 'Ambiguous invocation' issue? Unfortunately couldn't reproduce the problem using the provided screenshot.
Thank you.
YOu can see here, no red wiggles.
Add the in parameters to Match methods. Red wiggles appear.
With the error:
Project still builds and behaves as expected.