JetBrains Intellisense conflicts with Visual Studio Intellisense
I have reSharper statement completion turned on for C# files since it has a few features I like. However, it seems to conflict with the Visual Studio Intellisense and I can't seem to find the right settings to tweak. Mainly, when I call a constructor, right after I type the open parenthesis, I get this:
The popup at the top that contains my 3 constructor overloads is reSharper. The popup below, which contains properties and methods from the class I'm in, is Visual Studio. If I hit the up/down arrow keys, it goes through the bottom list. If I want to scroll through the top list, I have to use the mouse.
Is there a setting to change to disable the Visual Studio intellisense from happening here at all?
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I think you might be mistaken that the bottom one is from VS, I think it is the Resharper one. In Resharper Options, which option do you have ticked in IntelliSense > General?