Option to not break line if the line break does not actually shorten the line.
I'm seeing this issue with interpolated strings mostly, as they can be long.
But, what I see is this:
this.logger.LogInfo($"Some long text that goes past the line break margin");
Turns into:
$"Some long text that goes past the line break margin");
Basically - it added an extra line that doesn't add any value.
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Hello Allena!
Thank you for contacting us.
Please check if ReSharper | Options | Code Editing | C# | Formatting Style | Tabs, Indents, Alignment | Align Multiple Constructs | First Call Argument by '(' is enabled.
Thank you.
Hi Angelina - thanks for getting back to me.
Yes, that is checked - because that is the style I want for breaks and alignments.
See below examples
Hello Allena!
Sorry for delay in responding.
Just to make sure I've understood your point correctly:
Am I right?
Thank you.
Yes, that is what I'm looking for.
The middle example above just strikes me as pointless, and a waste of a line :-).
Thank you for the clarification.
I've filed corresponding feature request - https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RSRP-470640.
You are welcome to comment or vote for it.
Thank you.