Assistan does not read large files
hello it keeps doing this error with large files so I increased the file size.Ide restarted but still has the same problem.Also sometimes it gives an error like big size file
I'am useing JetBrains Rider 2024.3.3
I did it by selecting help > Edit custom properties from the editor I am using windows file path name
File size : 300 KB (307.200 bayt)

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Hello Eminserdarsengul ,
The properties you configured affect the size of files IDE can open (see more details in the documentation). These properties don't affect the issue described in the screenshot.
The error message from the screenshot ("Attached context is more than limit") means there is a limit for the AI Chat attachment. As there is a fair usage limit for the AI Assistant plugin, AI Chat limits the size of attachments to avoid quickly exhausting the weekly limit.
Unfortunately, it's not possible to increase the AI Chat attachments limit.
hello, I read the article you provided and it says why there is a restriction.
1.I don't want to give a file to the AI and ask it to examine it.Actually my problem is to ask a question about a code block in the file.However, if I don't attach the file, it gives me the error “I can't see the file you said in the project”.Normally, when I ask a question in the chat about a file opened in the active tab, shouldn't it detect the file? Do I have to attach the file when I ask a question about the code in a file?
2.what is the weekly usage quota in size?
3.does the size increase when I buy the application?
4.AI is not working stable, is it because it is a trial version? If I buy it, will it work more stable?
Thank you
Hello Eminserdarsengul ,
1. If the file is opened in Editor, then AI Chat should be able to get this file as a context. If it doesn't work, please ensure you use the latest IDE version and submit the issue in with a sample project and described steps to reproduce.
If you ask AI Chat a question about a code block, you can try selecting it and invoking the AI Action “New Chat Using Selection”.
2. We can't share exact size. The token usage can vary greatly depending on the complexity, length, nature of the requests, and the current context size. As a result, instead of having a rigid limit, the quota is dynamically evaluated to ensure fair access and optimal performance for all users.
3. Weekly quota of AI Trial is less than AI Pro.
4. No. Quality and feature set is the same for AI Trial and AI Pro.