tsconfig paths not recognized in new .NET core project template

I tried to migrate my Angular app to the new .NET project template but I ran into this huge issue. R# is forcing me to remove the path mappings I have in my tsconfig.json and use rlative paths. 

The whole setup works just fine with the old .NET project templates, the new ones seem to have this isse. I think that R# doesn't recognize the tsconfig.json file since it doesn't allow me to even do a code cleanup, where as in the old project template I am allowed to do it and everything works OK.


I am using ReSharper 2024.3 and Visual Studio 17.12.0

1 comment
Hello Dushko,
thank you for contacting us.
Since this issue has also been reported as a ticket in our support system (zendesk), let's continue our communication in that ticket.
Thank you!

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