Lots of false positives in errors list in VS2022 v17.12.0 Preview 4.0 and Resharper 2024.2.7
I constantly get false positives from Resharper in Visual Studio Community 2022 Preview, Version 17.12.0 Preview 4.0 with Resharper 2024.2.7. The false positives are flagged in the Errors/Warnings in the Solution pane, most of the times related to code in a cross-cutting project in the solution, but also happens with code related to other projects. No error is flagged by VS2022. The code compiles without problems.
I tried clearing the cache, changed the folder where the cache is stored, first to a SSD disk then back to the hard disk, repaired Resharper, reinstalled it twice, repaired VS2022, to no avail. The false positives usually disappear after a Rebuild Solution, or if I close and reopen VS2022. The Clean Solution command creates havoc in the solution, with the number of false positives increasing exponentially, with thousands of errors in a solution which had none before.
The solution is quite large with 82 projects, as this is a a distributed application with several microservices and implements the Microsoft Aspire orchestrator. However, I had no problems before upgrading to Resharper 2024.2.7, beside some occasional problems with the Aspire's ServiceDefault project after running a Clean Solution.
Not sure if this is related, but I am also using the new Visual Studio's SLNX solution format, which Resharper 2024.2.7 now supports.
I could try switching back to the old solution format or try other approaches, but before I go down time costly and complex alternative paths I'd like to know if you could offer some help.
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Could you please collect a log for us by following the steps:
1. Select ReSharper | Navigate | Go to Action
2. Type `logger /all`
3. Enable Verbose logging level
4. Reproduce the issue
5. Provide the log file (its location is specified at the top of Logger Configuration tool window)
6. Don't forget to disable the logging
Please share your file via our upload service and let me know its Upload ID.
Thank you in advance.
Hi Angelina,
I did as you suggested, but I am not sure how to login to the upload service. If I use a google email to login I get the following error:
User 'xxxx' (IP: xx.xxx.x.xxx) is not authorized to any of the roles: is not from domain 'jetbrains.com' Make sure to log in with your @jetbrains.com account and turn to #it-team channel in Slack to get access. Reload to log in again.
As I was not able to login to the upload service I sent the log through the Feedback Center available in the plugin, with some additional details. I submitted the report with the same title as this thread. Let me know if this is ok.
Any news on the problem I reported? The report I sent is listed here but I haven't received any feedback. In the meantime, I had to uninstall Resharper, the false positives were so many and frequent that it made work impossible. All problems disappeared after I uninstalled Resharper.