Chat AI - pre prompt

Could you please, please implement a pre prompt to the Chat AI. It is sooo frustrating to have to repeat things over and over again, such as “using Angular 17” or “only essential code”. Currently it is like pair programming with the most stupid person ever imaginable.


Hello Robin, thank you for your question. You can customize the global AI Assistant prompt. To do so, use the corresponding field on the ReSharper | Options | AI Assistant | General | Custom global prompt page. Also, please take a look at the Prompt library description. Maybe this is exactly what you need. Please let me know if you have any questions.


It is certainly not exactly what I need. Better than nothing, but quite useless. A similar pre-prompt, but on different levels such as company, personal, solution and project for instance would be of great help. Something that would not have to be repeated over and over again.


Hello Robin, thanks for your reply. I've submitted a new feature request to our bug tracker: RSRP-499655 Implement a pre prompt to the Chat AI. Please comment or vote for it to get notifications about status changes. Thank you!


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