AI Assistant "write documentation" feature and comment formatting

Below is some documentation generated by the AI Assistant. How can I prevent the * from beginning each line? (This is very old-fashioned, IMHO.)

* @brief Deletes a dynamically allocated object.
* This function deletes the object pointed to by the given pointer.
* It is a utility function to ensure proper deletion of objects.
* @tparam T The type of the object to be deleted.
* @param object Pointer to the object to be deleted.



We have a setting for the style of documentation comments on the “Code generation” settings page, but AI Assistant currently doesn't use it. I've filed

Could you please explain what you mean by “old-fashioned”? In our experience C++ documentation comments either follow this style with each line prefixed by ‘*’ in a multi-line ‘/** … */’ comment, or each line is prefixed by ‘///’. How exactly do you format documentation comments, could you please show an example?


Could you please explain what you mean by “old-fashioned”?

I don't mind the use of /** to start a comment since it's compatible with Doxygen, but I personally prefer using /*! The asterisks at the beginning of each line aren't necessary and only add unnecessary cognitive load. I referred to it as "old-fashioned" because this is the type of comment I used to see in C code over 30 years ago 😉
The following is what I consider better, taking my previous comment's example:

 @brief Deletes a dynamically allocated object.

 This function deletes the object pointed to by the given pointer.
 It is a utility function to ensure proper deletion of objects.

 @tparam T The type of the object to be deleted.
 @param object Pointer to the object to be deleted.

Aside from this, the asterisks can be used as bullet points in a long comment. This clashes with comments that start each line with an asterisk.



We haven't encountered this comment style a lot, but I've filed a feature request to track this -


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