frozen screen when showing code complete

I'm using this tool for years now, but this last update is driving me crazy…. I need to keep the task manager open to kill the node task under Jetbrains Rider process. So whenever I click on any code that show code complete the screen frozen, the mouse disappear. I figure out that is the nodejs process, so I need to kill it to get back to the IDE, any idea of what is going on. My node is 18.19.1, the same I was using before the update.


JetBrains Rider 2024.1.2
Build #RD-241.15989.179, built on May 6, 2024
Licensed to Eric Magalhaes
You have a perpetual fallback license for this version.
Subscription is active until September 5, 2025.
Runtime version: 17.0.10+1-b1207.14 amd64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.
Windows 10.0
.NET Core v8.0.1 x64 (Server GC)
GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation
Memory: 16384M
Cores: 36
Non-Bundled Plugins:
 com.github.continuedev.continueintellijextension (0.0.70)
 org.intellij.plugins.hcl (241.15989.49)
 aws.toolkit.core (3.30-241)
 com.intellij.ideolog (
 fr.socolin.application-insights-debug-log-viewer (2024.1.2)
 ir.msdehghan.plugins.ansible (0.92)
 Abc.MoqComplete.Rider (2024.1.1.1)
 com.intellij.resharper.StructuredLogging (2024.1.0.323-eap01)
 com.intellij.plugin.adernov.powershell (2.6.1) (241.15989.195) (
 aws.toolkit (3.30-241)


Hello Eric,

Thank you for contacting Rider support.

We are sorry to hear that you encounter such a problem.

First of all, I suggest updating Rider to the latest version 2024.2.5 to see if that helps. We add a significant number of fixes and improvements with each release.

If that doesn't help, and still the issue persists or you do not wish to update Rider, would you mind sharing additional information as described below?

  • Go to Help | Diagnostic tools | Choose Trace Scenarios;
  • Enable the trace scenario for Completion;
  • Make a recording that demonstrates the issue;
  • Exact command line for the node.js process that starts. It should be available from Task Manager (or similar tool) or via command line:
    powershell: Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.Name -like '*node*' } | Format-List -Property *
    bash: ps -ef | grep -i node
  • When the issue occurred:
    • Find the PID of rider64.exe in the task manager;
    • Open cd <ide_installed_path>/jbr/bin in the terminal;
    • Invoke .\jstack -l PID>dumpN.txt several times with N in 1..5;
    • Share generated dumpN.txt files;
  • Kill the nodejs process, so Rider becomes alive and collect CPU snapshot:
    • Select Help | Diagnostic Tools | Start CPU Usage Profiling;
    • Reproduce the issue again;
    • Kill nodejs again;
    • Stop recording snapshot Help | Diagnostic Tools | Stop CPU usage profiling;
    • A snapshot will be dumped. You can find the file from the Notifications tool window:

  • Collect the full log bundle via Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data;
  • Disable the trace scenario enabled;
  • Upload the collected data to the to our Upload server and share the Upload ID.

Thank you in advance and have a great day!


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