R# 423 treats .config extensions magically
seems to think that any file ending in .config must be an application configuration file.
This is not the case. I have Nini and spring.net files that end in .config. R# incorrectly reports errors for any file with a .config extension that does not adhere to the ".net configuration file schema".
The attached example solution contains a project with two files, neither of which are "app.config" files.
AnyOldFile.config contains well-formed XML, but R# complains that it is not valid, despite not being associated with a schema.
ThisIsMyFile.config is not even an XML file and R# complains that the file contains illegal XML.
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Visual Studio treats all .config files as XML ones. All of them have 'XML
Configuration File' icon, being open in text editor, XML toolbar is shown.
So we the only thing I can suggest is to create UI that will allow removing
certain file from analysis.
Sergey V. Coox
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Moreover, that red highlighting, that is visible is created be Visual
Studio, you may make sure in it by pressing Ctrl+8, which turns ReSharper
highlighting off
Sergey V. Coox
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
I see what you mean. How annoying. I guess my path of least resistence is to not use a .config extension :)