R#4.0.900: Several features are not working


In the nightly build 900 it seems like several options are no longer
available in this build. Like the Code Cleanup option is no longer
available, the "Refactor this" is not working. Quick documentation is not
working, I can't do a Rename Refactoring either and so on.

I have to go revert to the previous nightly build.


Gabriel Lozano-Moran

Permanently deleted user

"Gabriel Lozano-Moran" <gabriel@lozano-moran.name> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

In the nightly build 900 it seems like several options are no longer
available in this build. Like the Code Cleanup option is no longer
available, the "Refactor this" is not working. Quick documentation is not
working, I can't do a Rename Refactoring either and so on.


I have to go revert to the previous nightly build.

Works here.



Permanently deleted user

I just tried it also, and it is complaining that my license has expired. I have been using evaluation licenses for 4.0 so far, but I thought there were some days left on the evaluation license. Does build 900 change the license validation in some way?

Regardless, for me it is probably time to find the funds for license upgrades.

Permanently deleted user

I too am experiencing this problem.

We're about to purchase several licenses, but would like to try out the new version, which for some reason cleared my previous evaluation.
I believe I had at least 10 days left.

After installing the final 4.0 release, my trial was back to the 18 days I had left.
Can't trial users test the new 4.0.1 release before purchasing?

Edited by: Kenneth Siewers Møller on Jun 30, 2008 12:09 PM

Permanently deleted user

Have you tried the latest nightly build (902)?

Gabriel Lozano-Moran

"Kenneth Siewers Møller" <kym@gmcb.dk> wrote in message
>I too am experiencing this problem.

We're about to purchase several licenses, but would like to try out the
new version, which for some reason cleared my previous evaluation.
I believe I had at least 10 days left.



The corresponding JIRA request has been created, and you are welcome to monitor its status at

We'll try to fix this problem as soon as possible. For now, if you have R# 4.0.90x nightly build installed, downgrade it to R# 4.0 release build and the trial goes back

Kirill Falk
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user

Yes, that was the version I used. The problem was that I was unable to choose the evaluation option.
I've downgraded to version 4.0 again, but am now experiencing some serious performance issues!

Permanently deleted user

Regarding the performance issues, I did a complete uninstall of ReSharper, rebooted, ran a chkdsk, rebooted, started Visual Studio, opened a couple of solutions, rebooted, installed ReSharper, opened Visual Studio, rebooted, back to normal...

I don't really know what made it behave the way it did, but I guess issues with the disk (I did have some problems with some errors on the disk), and initializing VS without ReSharper did the trick. The massive amounts of reboots ensured reinitialization of the registry, which can be the root of a lot of problems with Visual Studio.


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