Backup of Live Templates and Surrounds

How can I backup my Live Templates and Surrounds so that if something bad happens to my computer they don't get lost? are they saved as files in some obscure folder? ;) is there a hidden "export to file" option somewhere? ;)

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Permanently deleted user

Live Templates are stored amongst all ReSharper settings in an xml file '\Documents
and Settings\]]>\Aplication Data\JetBrains\ReSharper\UserSettings.xml'.
So you can backup this file. In the version 2.0 we will provide abilities
to import/export live templates as well as share them between the team.

Valentin Kipiatkov
Chief Scientist, Vice President of Product Development
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

How can I backup my Live Templates and Surrounds so that if something
bad happens to my computer they don't get lost? are they saved as
files in some obscure folder? ;) is there a hidden "export to file"
option somewhere? ;)


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