Atrribute parameters - Feature Request maybe
I apologize in advance if I have missed a current feature or missed an earlier post on this topic...
I attempted to use R# to show me the list of settable properties for a given Attribute. These can be set in the "constructor" as in the following example:
[MyAttributeAttribute( MyProperty = "FOO" )]
R# doesn't seem to have a key sequence to display the properties of the attribute. This very reasonable and I imagine it breaks the paradigm of the Space/Shift+Space sequences.
A nice future feature would show both the ctor signature(s) as well as some interface for all settable properties.
Thank you! (Praise below)
Ed Chapel
JetBrains: Thank you so much for developing a tool that is more than functional and raises the bar for development environments. It's not until I move to a machine without R# that I realize much I depend on it and how easily I adopted it. I am an R# evangelist.
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This feature is already implemented in 2.0
Oleg Stepanov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Ed Chapel wrote:
Hello Ed,
Thank you for using ReSharper!
This feature will be available in ReSharper 2.0.
Hello Oleg,
As noted, it'll be in 2.0 .... and current customers will upgrade for FREE.
David Stennett
JetBrains, Inc.
>> I apologize in advance if I have missed a current feature or missed
>> an earlier post on this topic...
>> I attempted to use R# to show me the list of settable properties for
>> a given Attribute. These can be set in the "constructor" as in the
>> following example:
>> [MyAttributeAttribute( MyProperty = "FOO" )]
>> R# doesn't seem to have a key sequence to display the properties of
>> the attribute. This very reasonable and I imagine it breaks the
>> paradigm of the Space/Shift+Space sequences.
>> A nice future feature would show both the ctor signature(s) as well
>> as some interface for all settable properties.
>> Thank you! (Praise below)
>> Ed Chapel
>> JetBrains: Thank you so much for developing a tool that is more than
>> functional and raises the bar for development environments. It's not
>> until I move to a machine without R# that I realize much I depend on
>> it and how easily I adopted it. I am an R# evangelist.
Great! Thanks so much!!