No default key settings and can't uninstall
Not sure what I did or wasn't watching when I installed it, but I have no default key mappings at all. First, is there a way to fix this?
I was going to make a copy of the default keymap and reinstall R#. I cannot figure out how to uninstall it. I have listing I can find in Add/Remove Programs, and I don't have an R# folder in the start menu.
Awesome tool though... lol, I showed everyone here, and you have 4 orders coming in a few day. :)
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Found the uninstaller. I was looking under R# and Intellij and not JetBrains.
Still don't have default keymap though.
Nice... nevermind. The reinstall fixed the keymapping. Crap, I forgot to copy my .XML live templates back over. :)