BUG? Resharper crashing the OS when using a certain class...


I have this project which contains a class which causes Resharper (1.5)
to crash the OS (WinXP). This class is autogenerated and contains a lot
of overloads (f.e. the method below contains 160 overloads). It happens
when I start typing:


then the OS locks up and crashes, either by thrashing the display driver
or spontaneously rebooting. Needless to say, this is very annoying.

Is there someone who I can email the project to look and try to
reproduce this?

(I tried to attach the project to my previous post to this newsgroup,
but I guess it was too large or something because the post didn't seem
to get through)

Permanently deleted user

Related to this problem, Resharper has always been very slow on this
class (most likely because of the many overloads), is there a way f.e.
to limit the amount of overloads displayed in the parameter info popup
to maybe speed up Resharper a bit in these cases.

Permanently deleted user

Another update:

I think this is exactly the same problem as reported in the
resharper.eap newsgroup (22-3-2005 11:02):


Permanently deleted user


In 2.0 we will redesign our parameter info dialog to make it more usable
and lightweight when there are many signatures. For now we can suggest you
to use Visual Studio built-in parameter info tip.

Oleg Stepanov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"


I have this project which contains a class which causes Resharper
(1.5) to crash the OS (WinXP). This class is autogenerated and
contains a lot of overloads (f.e. the method below contains 160
overloads). It happens when I start typing:


then the OS locks up and crashes, either by thrashing the display
driver or spontaneously rebooting. Needless to say, this is very

Is there someone who I can email the project to look and try to
reproduce this?

(I tried to attach the project to my previous post to this newsgroup,
but I guess it was too large or something because the post didn't seem
to get through)

Permanently deleted user

Oleg Stepanov (JetBrains) wrote:


In 2.0 we will redesign our parameter info dialog to make it more
usable and lightweight when there are many signatures. For now we can
suggest you to use Visual Studio built-in parameter info tip.

Oleg Stepanov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"

Well, the lagging on methods with many signatures was tolerable, but now
Resharper crashes on one of these methods; I'm less happy with that :)

Permanently deleted user

This will be fixed in 2.0 as well since we'll use completely different approach
to showing parameter information.

Oleg Stepanov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"

Oleg Stepanov (JetBrains) wrote:

>> Jaap,
>> In 2.0 we will redesign our parameter info dialog to make it more
>> usable and lightweight when there are many signatures. For now we can
>> suggest you to use Visual Studio built-in parameter info tip.
>> --
>> Oleg Stepanov
>> Software Developer
>> JetBrains, Inc.
>> http://www.jetbrains.com
>> "Develop with pleasure!"

Well, the lagging on methods with many signatures was tolerable, but
now Resharper crashes on one of these methods; I'm less happy with
that :)

Permanently deleted user

Hello Jaap,

You can send a sample solution which demonstrates such behavior to our support (support@jetbrains.com).

Andrey Serebryansky
Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"


I have this project which contains a class which causes Resharper
(1.5) to crash the OS (WinXP). This class is autogenerated and
contains a lot of overloads (f.e. the method below contains 160
overloads). It happens when I start typing:


then the OS locks up and crashes, either by thrashing the display
driver or spontaneously rebooting. Needless to say, this is very

Is there someone who I can email the project to look and try to
reproduce this?

(I tried to attach the project to my previous post to this newsgroup,
but I guess it was too large or something because the post didn't seem
to get through)


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