dotTrace 1.1 & .NET Power Pack ... News Update ....


If you guys haven't noticed, the price of our .NET Framework profiling tool,
dotTrace, has just ended its promo special and now retails for $249 USD ...
(at the sametime, a new minor version was released -- see the following link
for details: ) If you have not yet tried
dotTrace, I highly recommend that you at least take it for a 30-day trial
evaluation -- you will not be disappointed.

You might also notice that we now sell a .NET Power Pack - this gives you
both ReSharper and dotTrace for one low price of $299 USD ... (normally,
ReSharper sells for 149 USD and dotTrace now for 249 USD.... ) ... if you
have not yet purchased either of them, you might want to consider doing so
while this promo is out there.

Current ReSharper customers can still nab dotTrace for the old price of $149
USD ... just drop us an email (sales.dottrace[at]jetbrains{.dot}com), and
we'll make sure you get the same deal as the power pack customers.


David Stennett
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"


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