70% usage of quad core when simply typing?
I have a couple screen shots that I think say it all. I have noticed that my CPU is getting extremely heavy usage when doing simple editing in VS under the new R#6. This was not an issue with 5.1.
The first shot is just my CPU meter, and the second is Process Explorer's thread view, showing a pile of .NET threads working very hard.
Where the cursor is when doing the typing seems to affect the performance. If I'm inside of a function, I get between 15-20% total CPU. But if I am deleting or typing characters into the parameter area of a function like this:
private void DirectSetParts([NotNull] IEnumerable<NodePart> newParts, bool undoable)
that's when I get the 70%+ CPU usage. Seems extremely heavy for something like that. Is this expected?
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Hello Scott,
Thank you for feedback! Could you please capture a performance snapshot of
this behavior by following the instructions at http://tinyurl.com/6xgxpw5
and upload it to ftp://ftp.intellij.net/.uploads/?
Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Ok I ran into some more serious perf issues and uploaded a profile to the ftp. Let me know if you need any more samples, happy to help!
Hello Scott,
Thank you! You can track the progress here: http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/RSRP-273872.
Meanwhile, you can try switching to Visual Studio built-in code completion
in order to speed up typing.
Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
I am also seeing similar issues. Performance used to be acceptable under R# 5.X, but it is now almost unusable.
Same here.... but only using CSS and ASPX files for me....
See here:
Hopefully we can get an EAP going soon! :)
Hello Scott,
Could you please follow these instructions: http://tinyurl.com/6xgxpw5? This
will help us to find out if this is exactly the same problem or not. Thank
Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
One can hope. :p
I have a similar issue with Resharper 6. I am running a twin core (2GHZ) Sony Viao with 8GB of RAM with Visual Studio Team System 2008 SP1.
CPU usage climbs whenever I go to a page that contains javascript/css. Typing latency increases to around a second compared to instantaneous on a cs class page.
If I use Visual Studio Intellisense the latency drops to about half a second. Is there any way to switch off just the Javascript Intellisense?
My machine at home has no problems. It is overclocked to 4GHZ. My colleague with a Quad core 2.3GHZ and 4GB RAM has no problems.
Are there any procedures to switch off parts off Resharper to try and identify the source of the CPU problem?
Hello Peter,
At the moment there's no way to switch off just the JavaScript IntelliSense.
So, do I understand correctly that the problem is with .js files only? You
can also try turning off the code analysis for the current file (using CtrlAltShift+8
shortcut) to check if this eliminates the perf problem.
Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Thanks for your suggestion re Ctl-Alt-Shift-8 to switch off code check on current page. However I have dropped back down to V5 for now as I am under the cosh to get stuff done. I will see if I can do some tests over the weekend.
best regards,
Thanks for your suggestion re Ctl-Alt-Shift-8 to switch off code check on current page. However I have dropped back down to V5 for now as I am under the cosh to get stuff done. I will see if I can do some tests over the weekend.
best regards,