Quick Fix for Missing Method in ASPX Being Put in Designer File...
Using ReSharper 6.1 EAP, v6.1.0.11493...
I added a server-side control to an ASPX page, for example, a button. I added onclick="btnSubmit_Click" to the tag, which ReSharper highlights in red (which it should).
I hit ALT+ENTER to add the method to the code-behind and instead the method is being put in the asp.designer.cs file.
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Hello William,
I'm afraid I wasn't able to reproduce this behavior with the latest build.
Please install the next nightly build when it comes out and let me know if
this problem is not fixed. Thank you!
Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
I installed Build 12309 and the issue is still there.
Update: Installed Build and the issue is still there.
Hello William,
Does this happen in any web application project and with any control? Thank
Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
I've tried it with several different web projects and several different server-side controls. It happens with all of them.
On 14.11.2011 20:03, William Cummings wrote:
William, what do you have in ReSharper->Options->Generated Code->Generated file masks settings?
Are *.Designer.cs and *.Designer.vb files over there?
If not, you can add it manually or go to "Manage" button on the bottom-left and then "Reset all settings" .
Does it help?
Wow. Good catch. That was it. For whatever reason, when I installed the first EAP for 6.1 it must have been missing (but it was there in 6.0). I checked my other development machine that has 6.0 on it and those settings were there.

Here is the screenshot of the 6.0 machine:
Here is the screenshot of the 6.1 EAP machine: