Instant HTML/CSS Updating

I saw this blog post from a Hadi Harri, an employee of your company.  For anyone reading this, it is a plugin for WebStorm or IntelliJ (if I read it correctly) that work with an extension for the Chrome web browser.  The end result is that any changes to .html or .css source will trigger a refresh in the browser.  It's kind-of like LiveReload, except that doesn't work on Windows yet.

Any chance of seeing this in ReSharper, either via a plugin or as part of this EAP?  If anyone is asking, I would put all of my points on this feature!


Hi Rob,

Currently we do not have any plans to support this.


Permanently deleted user

Very dissapointing to hear.  

Is the interaction between the IDE plugin and the Chrome extension documented somewhere so that someone could write a plugin for ReSharper?


Not currently, but if there's anything we can do to help you, let us know. This might make for a great plugin on the R#/VS side. Feel free to email me and I'll try and get info from the dev if required.


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