Cannot Resolve Symbol and Problems with basic features !
note: similar problem as
Hi there,
Resharper was highly reccomended to me so I got it(v1.5) to try it out but so far it has been a HUGE diappoitment and a LOT of waste of time.
Here is what happens:
I open a new solution in VS.NET, add a a class library project to it and an aspnet project to it add a few references to some controls, compile, save and close the solution. I reload the solution and Resharper just refuses to recognise some of the symbols , sometimes all of the symbols like System etc. Sometimes the ones I added , and sometimes just symbols from some assembly like "System.Web.UI" and "System.Drawing". I tried deleting the symbol caches too as reccomended in here:
(do the resharper folder created in the solution contains anything ? On my system its always empty, the system wide cache folder however does get some files)
Sometimes I deleted the solution files, created a new solution and added the projects to the new solution and it would work but would again compalian about symbols when elaoding solution. Then again if I add any new controls the same thing would happen.
And some times the same old projects would work fine if added to another new solution but would not work if opened in the old solution.
It has taken all the self control that I have to remain polite in this posting as I have wasted two nights fiddling with this thing just to get it to recognise the System.Web.UI symbols and still sometimes it does and sometime it doesnt!!!
Is there some way to tell resharper to just go ahead and refresh all the symbols from all the references in a project? If there is not please add it to resharper as it would save a lot of headache.
and thats not the end of it.... forget any system symbols or other complicated stuff as references added by a devloper to third party control etc.
I opened up a new solution with a VS.NET genrated empty class library project with the standard class1 file etc.
and I changed the namespace from "Classlibrary1" to "Classlibrary.ABC" and resharper colored Classlibrary1 red saying unable to resolve symbol !!! does it support nested namespaces ? becaue the C# compiler and VS.NET didnt complain at all and compiled it fine.
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Hello, Ahmed,
Thank you for evaluating ReSharper.
I'm not quite sure about the possible reason, but it looks like ReSharper
does not receive Visual Studio project model events on your machine. Does
ReSharper display any messages like 'Failed to connect to C# project events'?
Are the new classes that you add to a project suggested in the completion
list? Are the newly added files highlighted?
Andrey Simanovsky
Well, I had Rational XDE installed on my system, the problem was solved after I
1 uninstalled Resharper
2.uninstalled Rational XDE
3.repaired/reinstalled the Visual Studio.NET
4.reinstalled Resharper.
However I have not yet reinstalled Rational XDE. Do you know about any know issues resharper might have with Rational XDE ?
And yes the files were getting highlighted but the caches for the solution were not getting saved and any changes in the namspace names were generating "unable to resolve symbol" errors.
By the way I was very wrong, your product rocks, sorry for any harsh words earlier.
Hello Ahmed,
while we're not aware of specific problems with Rational XDE, many applications
that integrate with VS.NET may corrupt it by unregistering its COM dlls during
uninstallation. I don't claim that XDE causes this problem, but the issue
faced was almost definitely of such a kind.
Dmitry Shaporenkov
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Hello Ahmed,
There were some chance issues reported with Rational XDE. For example, problems
with Find Usages (
). However, we could not reproduce these occasional problems. I think that
after Visual Studio is repared the two add-ins will not interfere with each
others work, but cannot give a one hundred percent guarantee of that.
Andrey Simanovsky
This still happens to me in Visual Studio 2012 and R# 7.1.3. Everything is fine, until I update from source control and VS asks to reload projects, they reload and R# analysis goes bererk and some files it shows tons of errors, other not. But it still compiles.
Hi Nick,
Please try to clear the caches as described here:
Hope it helps.