Custom highlight policy.


Good day to all.

I'm sorry, if this question was asked before. It means, that I simply could not
find an answer. In this case It would be enought to get the link =)

I am trying to find out, how to add custom policy to code inspection. Valid example:

Possible null exception highlight is disabled if there is System.Debug.Assert, that ensures, that object is not null.
Or it offers to add assertion automatically. I do not have possibility to use default assertions, as it is now allowed
in this framework(mono in context of Unity3d), so I use some custom equivalent. So, I want to add custom policy,
that would grant the same behaviour as with described above, but using my custom assertion instead of default.

Thanks at least for reading =)
As I'd said before, I would be glad even to get link to the answer if it is already exist.

P.S. I'd already checked official documents here
but doesn't understand, how to realise what I want =\ Maybe I just need an example...


Try decorating your custom assertion method with the ContractAnnotationAttribute:

[ContractAnnotation("halt <= condition: false")]
public void Assert(bool condition, string text)


This used to work for Resharper, but the latest Rider does respect this as far as I can see. It is a bug? Are there any workarounds?


Hello Lauri Lubi,

Could you share a sample solution illustrating the issue? You may attach it to a support ticket created by the "Submit a Request" button above.


Hi, while re-creating a demo example, I noticed that the key was C# nullability context. Also known as


in C# project-file. I tested with C# language version 8.0.


using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using JetBrains.Annotations;

namespace ConsoleApp2
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
AssertTools.Assert(args != null, "Bad input");

Console.WriteLine($"Hello World! {args.Length}");

public static class AssertTools
[ContractAnnotation("halt <= condition: false")]
public static void Assert(bool condition, string? message = null)
if (condition) return;
throw new Exception(message ?? string.Empty);

Here is a screenshot of the warning.


I get the same warning for a nullable parameter.

static void Main(string[]? args)



Hello Lauri Lubi

The warning comes not from ReShrper's analysis but from Roslyn, it's CS8602 compiler warning. So maybe it's worth reporting to Microsoft if you believe it's incorrect.


Oh, I see! Before I can report it to MS... Resharper analysis reads the [ContractAnnotation] on method Assert() and therefore knows that args cannot be null after that. Do you think there is a similar attribute for Roslyn?


It looks like the [DoesNotReturnIf(false)] attribute for the condition parameter should work out in this case.

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
//using JetBrains.Annotations;

namespace ConsoleApp2
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
AssertTools.Assert(args != null, "Bad input");

Console.WriteLine($"Hello World! {args.Length}");

public static class AssertTools
//[ContractAnnotation("halt <= condition: false")]
public static void Assert([System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DoesNotReturnIf(false)] bool condition, string? message = null)
if (condition) return;
throw new Exception(message ?? string.Empty);

Thank you!

[DoesNotReturnIf(false)] does the trick! It seems like both Roslyn and Rider/Resharper respect it, so [ContractAnnotation] is not needed any more.



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