all variables are named along with their data types
I usually disable resharper intellisense for c++ but activated it recently. I am facing a few problems and looking for a solution.
1. when I declare an vector say numbers, when I try to access its size property , resharper only completes it as numbers.size and not numbers.size()
2. If I start typing some variable like say int count ,intellisense popup will show it as count_i. how can I disable this _i tag. I am adding my naming style screenshot here. I am new here and sorry if I didn't follow any rules or conventions. Moderators can remove this topic if it is redundant or not the right place to post. Thanks
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Hello Siddartha!
Thank you for your feedback!
Sorry for delay with answer.
As for you issues:
1. Unfortunately, I can't reproduce it. Could you please try out ReSharper EAP builds from here: to see is the issue still relevant?
2. To disable pop-ups please go to VS menu: ReSharper -> Options -> Enviroment -> IntelliSense -> Autopopup -> C++ -> and set here ' Display but do not preselect’.
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