Pattern Catalog - Can not parse pattern
Each time I run into a good application of Pattern Catalog, I end up not being able to create the pattern correctly. I usually only get the "Can not parse pattern" message. Why is there no further description of the error?
Even simple pattern like this will not pass:
private Guid $COMPONENTGUID$;
private Guid $COMPONENTGUID$;
+ i added identifier placeholder COMPONENTGUID
(I know the pattern does not do anything, but why it can't be parsed?)
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Hello Jakub,
At the moment Search with pattern works on member body level only, so 'private
Guid $VARNAME$;' is not a valid pattern. A valid pattern would be any statement
or expression that can be found in a member body. Thank you!
Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Well, I am using the following search and replace pattern and it works fine
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
set { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
and it is obviously not a part of member body.
Are there any enhancements of pattern catalog ahead?
Well, there is a limited support for some specific cases :)
We are working on Pattern Catalog improvement for ReSharper 6.0. You are welcome to share your ideas in our tracker: