Navigate to View broken?
I'm using the latest EAP build of Resharper and I noticed that the red lines below my View statements are gone so I can't navigate to them easy.
Is there some option to disable them which perhaps are set on my configuration?
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Hello Sven
Please make sure that you have 'Enable ASP.NET MVC References' option turned on under ReSharper | Options | Languages | ASP.NET | Other. Thank you!
Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
This option is enabled. I also disabled and activated it again.
I will check if another extension is causing problems here...
I set my configuration back do factory default and now it is working again.
Ok I found the source of the problem. I disabled the annotation namespace from JetBrains and because I have not updated ours with the new annotation classes from you it was no longer highlighted.
Op Tue, 13 Dec 2011 17:01:42 +0100 schreef Sven Heitmann
View-resolution seems broken for me too. Both spark views in
Views\Home\View.spark and in shared view locations in other projects are
Maybe the problem is with information from the web.config containing
alternate view locations? I use that for the spark view enigine.
Hope this gets solved soon.