Infragistics NetAdvantage 2005 Vol.1 breaks Resharper

I installed and later removed the trial version of NetAdvantage. After that Resharper was thoroughly broken. I confirmed this on a second machine. Either doing a full repair of Visual Studio, or reinstalling the trial software fixes the problem.

Permanently deleted user

Hello Philip,

could you please elaborate on how ReSharper was broken after uninstalling
the NetAdvantage?

Dmitry Shaporenkov
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

I installed and later removed the trial version of NetAdvantage.
After that Resharper was thoroughly broken. I confirmed this on a
second machine. Either doing a full repair of Visual Studio, or
reinstalling the trial software fixes the problem.

Permanently deleted user

I can confirm this also. Attached is a screenshot...

Permanently deleted user

Just try downloading the demo Infragisticst NetAdvantage, play around with it, then uninstall it. This will break R#.

I have tried uninstalling/reinstalling R#. Deleting all references to it (caches, configs, etc). Even did a regedit search for resharper, and deleted everything before re-installing. Tried re-installing the 1.1 Framework, and the 1.1SP. I guess the only thing left is to re-format... :(

Permanently deleted user

Hello Travis,

1) What is the problem with ReSharper you're now experiencing?

2) I could not find the screenshot in your previous post

Dmitry Shaporenkov
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

Just try downloading the demo Infragisticst NetAdvantage, play around
with it, then uninstall it. This will break R#.

I have tried uninstalling/reinstalling R#. Deleting all references to
it (caches, configs, etc). Even did a regedit search for resharper,
and deleted everything before re-installing. Tried re-installing the
1.1 Framework, and the 1.1SP. I guess the only thing left is to
re-format... :(

Permanently deleted user

It looks like the installer of Infragistics NetAdvantage demo optionally
unregisters/removes from GAC several dll's (mainly COM wrappers) on uninstall.
This a general fault of MSI packages. The only workaround we know of is to
avoid including dll's that should normally be present on a user machine into
an install package. That is what we do in released ReSharper version. As
a result when you deinstall programs with "faulty" installers ReSharper is
unable to find some dll's. The effects may vary depending on the dll: from
some library namespaces colored in red to an error dialog on ReSharper startup.
You can re-register/re-install in GAC the missing assemblies, but the only
guaranteed way to make ReSharper work properly is Visual Studio repair (because
it should re-register/re-install all required dll's).

Just try downloading the demo Infragisticst NetAdvantage, play around
with it, then uninstall it. This will break R#.

I have tried uninstalling/reinstalling R#. Deleting all references to
it (caches, configs, etc). Even did a regedit search for resharper,
and deleted everything before re-installing. Tried re-installing the
1.1 Framework, and the 1.1SP. I guess the only thing left is to
re-format... :(

Andrey Simanovsky


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