Find (CTRL+F), Find In Files (CTRL+SHFT+F) broken in 5.1.2. Why?
After upgrading from 5.1.1 to 5.1.2 my Visual Studio 2008 SP1 no longer reacts to Edit/Find (or its keyboard short-cut) or Edit/Find in Files (or its keyboard shortcut).
I attempted a "Repair" operation but that doesn't resolve the issue.
I'm going back to 5.1.1 until this is fixed.
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Hello Frederick,
Do I understand correctly that Find/Find in Files started working fine after
installing ReSharper 5.1.1 back? Thank you!
Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
I uninstalled ReSharper 5.1.2.
Find and Find In Files still did not work with NO editions of ReSharper installed in Visual Studio 2008 SP1.
After researching the issue on the internet, I finally got Find and Find In Files to work by re-applying Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 via my MSDN Subscription ISO copy of that particular Service Pack.
After verifying that Find and Find In Files (and their keyboard equivalents) were again working in a ReSharper-free Visual Studio 2008 SP1 environment, I reinstalled ReSharper 5.1.2 and, fingers crossed, it's been behaving well.
The unsolved mystery is why on Friday everything worked fine and on Monday, Find and Find In Files stopped working with zero changes to the enviroment (OS, utilities, security patches, etc.).
For me at least, the solution was to re-apply Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 and then install ReSharper 5.1.2.