Find Usages Preview Pane Colors

I've used a dark theme with Visual Studio (2008/2010) for the past few years and there has always been a color issue with ReSharper when rendering the R# Find Usages Preview Pane (I think this may be just when using a dark theme for VS)

What I've found is that the R# Find Usages Preview Pane inherits its background color from VS Options > Colors > Definition Window Background. However, the foreground colors seem to become a mixture of default VS colors and custom defined colors.


VS Options > Colors > Definition Window Background > Item Background: Black

Visual Studio Colors: notice the VS code definition window on bottom is correctly colored.

R# Find Usages Preview Pane Colors: notice the preview pane has a dark background, but none of the foreground colors are correct.

VS Options > Colors > Definition Window Background > Item Background: Default (off-white)

Visual Studio Colors: notice the VS code definition window on bottom become unreadable.

R# Find Usages Preview Pane Colors: notice the preview pane is now readable; although, the foreground colors are now a mixture of the default VS colors and custom defined colors.

Is there a way to force R#'s Find Usages Preview Pane to use the color scheme as defined by VS?



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