ReSharper 6.1 EAP

I keep checking back and wondering when?

These performance issues with resparper 6 are killin' me.

Typing in Visual Studio 2010 + ReSharper 6 is like runing Windows 7 on a Intel 386 @ 100 MHz. SLOW DEATH!!!

It really feels like I'm carrying a 50 ton gorilla on my back :(

Klaus Luedenscheidt

On 27.08.2011 00:46, Brian Chavez wrote:

I keep checking back and wondering when?


These performance issues with resparper 6 are killin' me.


Me too. Specially with VB the performance is inacceptable. I'm annoyed at spending money for a product that don't work properly.
Former R# releases did not have so much bugs than the current release. Even some EAP builds of R# 6.0 worked better than the
release. I feel like a beta tester and not as a user.



A few extreme bugs have slipped in, too. For example, the auto completion list does not prefer exact mach typing anymore. You type new and get NewsStyleParser... How can they not notice this during their daily work?

Also also don't understand why the EAP releases are oftentimes horribly broken. In my optinion, unstable code should be tested internally and only released/merged into the EAP version when it has stopped being a nuisance to voluntary EAP testers.

And then there are bugs that make me wonder if they do any testing at all. R# flags the string constant "\ud800" as an error. How can they not test for unicode string constants? This bug is new, too, which I don't understand either.

Jetbrains: Your users are happy with not getting new features for a whole new release, if we would get stability and performance instead. Wen would pay full price for just a solid maintainance release.

Hope this gets even read.

Andrey Serebryansky


Thank you for feedback! Regarding the problems you've mentioned:

- Could you please attach a screenshot demonstrating this problem? I've checked
this behavior on a newly created solution and couldn't see any problem

- Usually we publish builds every night automatically only when > 30000 of
our automated tests pass. I'm afraid there's no way we can test each nightly
build throughout because of the complexity of the product. We also mark some
of the builds as 'Stable' as soon as it becomes apparent that there are very
few problems, so you can install those builds only.

- This is a known problem and you're welcome to vote for it here:

Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

A few extreme bugs have slipped in, too. For example, the auto
completion list does not prefer exact mach typing anymore. You type
new and get NewsStyleParser... How can they not notice this during
their daily work?

Also also don't understand why the EAP releases are oftentimes
horribly broken. In my optinion, unstable code should be tested
internally and only released/merged into the EAP version when it has
stopped being a nuisance to voluntary EAP testers.

And then there are bugs that make me wonder if they do any testing at
all. R# flags the string constant "\ud800" as an error. How can they
not test for unicode string constants? This bug is new, too, which I
don't understand either.

Jetbrains: Your users are happy with not getting new features for a
whole new release, if we would get stability and performance instead.
Wen would pay full price for just a solid maintainance release.

Hope this gets even read.

Original message URL:


- Usually we publish builds every night automatically only when > 30000 of our automated tests pass. I'm afraid there's no way we can test each nightly build throughout because of the complexity of the product. We also mark some of the builds as 'Stable' as soon as it becomes apparent that there are veryfew problems, so you can install those builds only.

But back to the original question: when are we likely to see an EAP for R# 6.1? Or at least get access to the nightly builds?

The EAP page has been displaying "ReSharper 6.0 Early Access Program is closed as ReSharper 6.0 RTM is now available" since v6 was released. Does that imply that less than 30000 of your automated tests are passing each night?


I appreciate the detailed reply.

"Could you please attach a screenshot demonstrating this problem" => I have already reported it and it has been fixed  (not released yet). My issue was that such a nasty bug that affects typing all the time should get noticed by R# developers themselves. I usually never complain that R# has bugs because it is such a complex product, but in this case the bug is so obvious. Dogfooding would have found it.

"I'm afraid there's no way we can test each nightly build throughout because of the complexity of the product." Sure, but imho new features should stay in their own branches until they have been completed 100% and tested 100%. _Then_ they can be merged into trunk (or whatever ends up in the EAP program). It is best practice to never ever destabilize the trunk. Features have to be tested eventually, why not test them the second they are 100% feature-complete. As an EAP user I would be happy not to get new features for a few weeks until they are stable.


Also let me add that the high amount of instability in EAP has caused me more than one time to leave the program for a few weeks. Loosing testers is not in your interest, either.

Klaus Luedenscheidt

Again back to the original question. When can we await R# 6.1? Working with C# is just sluggyat some points but working with VB is a pain and, when i look at other postings in this forum, ASP seems to be very buggy too. I'm working with R# since 1.0 and never seen such a buggy release like 6.0.


Andrey Serebryansky

Hello Klaus and All,

The final roadmap for ReSharper 6.1 has not been finalized yet, so I can't
tell you exact release date. I'll write back as soon as 6.1 roadmap is finished.
Thank you!

Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

Again back to the original question. When can we await R# 6.1? Working
with C# is just sluggyat some points but working with VB is a pain
and, when i look at other postings in this forum, ASP seems to be very
buggy too. I'm working with R# since 1.0 and never seen such a buggy
release like 6.0.

Original message URL:


As of today, with the latest R# 6.x, it is way too slow for us to use it...
The thread parsing the code and checking the syntax is either of too high priority or something else is not working right.

I have to revert back to 5.1 with which at least I can work and type my code properly without delays.



Would it be possible to get a link going to the 6.1 nightly builds, like what was there for 6.0 EAP?

There are a few bugs marked as fixed in YouTrack that I'd like to get my hands on.  Thanks!


I too am wondering when we'll see another "released/tested" version of ReSharper 6.x?

I'm running 6.0 and am having all kinds of issues that I've posted before ... what's the ETA for a fully tested release to fix the many issues especially around the VB side?

As it stands right now I'm disabling a lot of functionality in R# to work around the problems in VS 2010 and VB.

Performance is not great but it's the other issues that are really NOT helping me improve my coding performance/workflow ... for a tool that is supposed to improve my efficiency, this product seems to be reducing my efficiency.  Sorry to be harsh, but it is what it is and I don't see any "planned" release to fix these issues.

Thanks, Rob.

Andrey Serebryansky

Hello Rob,

Currently we're planning to start the EAP (Early Access Program) for ReSharper
in September, so you will be able to check if the problems you've reported
have been fixed. As to final release date, it is yet to be defined. Thank

Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

I too am wondering when we'll see another "released/tested" version of
ReSharper 6.x?

I'm running 6.0 and am having all kinds of issues that I've posted
before ... what's the ETA for a fully tested release to fix the many
issues especially around the VB side?

As it stands right now I'm disabling a lot of functionality in R# to
work around the problems in VS 2010 and VB.

Performance is not great but it's the other issues that are really NOT
helping me improve my coding performance/workflow ... for a tool that
is supposed to improve my efficiency, this product seems to be
reducing my efficiency.  Sorry to be harsh, but it is what it is and I
don't see any "planned" release to fix these issues.

Thanks, Rob.

Original message URL:


Same. I had to go work on some older projects and speed got unacceptably slow, particularly in .aspx files.

Want to see some speed improvements in 6.1 to make the licence worth-while.


Either we get EAP within the week or I'm walking away from ReSharper and moving to CodeRush. I really love ReSharper and I've been a customer for a couple of version now but I cannot handle these performance issues. I'm very frusterated with the lack of focus on performance for this release.

This is supposed to be a tool to help developers become more productive not less. If I have to relearn a whole new product like CodeRush then so be it. I have to be productive.

Andrey Serebryansky

Hello Bobby,

We're doing our best to deliver first EAP build soon. EAP is delayed partly
because we're addressing as many performance problems as possible. For instance,
you can take a look at the list of performance problems which were fixed
recently: and there are more improvements to come.
Thank you!

Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

Either we get EAP within the week or I'm walking away from ReSharper
and moving to CodeRush. I really love ReSharper and I've been a
customer for a couple of version now but I cannot handle these
performance issues. I'm very frusterated with the lack of focus on
performance for this release.

This is supposed to be a tool to help developers become more
productive not less. If I have to relearn a whole new product like
CodeRush then so be it. I have to be productive.

Original message URL:


There is one critical unnegotiable feature in R# that it must always provide: It must work. Many people would instantly pay for a new major version if it was faster and more reliable. No features needed at all to get us to pay.

Btw, I recommend that you download all big projects from codeplex and test solution analysis on them. On many you will find issues (that originate from a bug in R#). There are millions of diverse LOC for you to test there.


Thanks to the resharper team for their effort!


R# is a great productivity tool, but 6.0 performance issues completely killed the productivity advances.
We look forward to 6.1 EAP.

Kenneth Siewers Møller

Not to be rude, but don't you think they already do their testing on large projects?
JetBrains is no small company and ReSharper for one is a major project with millions LOC, which I know for a fact, they are testing ReSharper with.
Their EAP's are only here to increase public feedback. I was using R# 6.0 EAP's on and off for almost 5 months, and the early version were not in a state I'd wish to try out again.
So if you expect production quality of the EAP, don't count on it...

Not to be rude but if they did test it on large project then they failed for releasing such an under performing productivity tool that fails at it's one goal to make you more productive.I honestly don't care how they test it but I do expect it to work and work well. I'm just not sure I have the patients to wait any longer. I've tried out CodeRush and it seems to do just about everything I need but I have to admit I like ReSharper much better. I've been a ReSharper fanboy for many years now but I'm so frusterated and getting more frusterated everytime my IDE slows down and affect my performances. It's enough to make me give up my ReSharper and pick up a whole new tool.Yes I'll not be as productive with CodeRush off the bat but I know I can learn the product and get productive. With the current ReSharper I know that on a daily basis I will not be able to be productive when dealing with certain projects. I also know that if I'm force to uninstall to make VS because responsive that I will not reinstall. I'll simply switch products.I think I just needed to vent. The problem is I've paid for a productivity tool that ends up getting in my way and it's frusterating.
Kenneth Siewers Møller

Well, I am not trying to defend JetBrains, but it just seems like some people are having more issues than others. ReSharper is a powerful tool and that do put some requirements on the development machine.
At one point I was working on a single-core machine with 2GB RAM... I must admit it was no joy what so ever. I didn't know what was wrong until I tried ReSharper on a dual-core machine with 4GB RAM and everything was working much faster.
One of the reasons why I was having trouble, was simply because my machine couldn't keep up.
As the requirement today are saying, ReSharper needs at least an Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz and minimum 2GB RAM (they recommend 4GB or more).
If you are running anything lower than that, you simply can't blame JetBrains or ReSharper (but I don't know anything about your machine specs).

I am currently using ReSharper 6 on an Intel Core 2 Duo 2.5GHz with 3.5GB RAM, and even though I do experience some performance penalty (not that much however), I have to say that the productivity gain I get from ReSharper weighs it out more than enough.

Andrey Serebryansky

Hello Bobby,

For sure we understand your frustration, but we kindly ask you to wait for
ReSharper 6.1 because we've made it faster than v6.0 in many scenarios. Thank

Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

Not to be rude but if they did test it on large project then they
failed for releasing such an under performing productivity tool that
fails at it's one goal to make you more productive.I honestly don't
care how they test it but I do expect it to work and work well. I'm
just not sure I have the patients to wait any longer. I've tried out
CodeRush and it seems to do just about everything I need but I have to
admit I like ReSharper much better. I've been a ReSharper fanboy for
many years now but I'm so frusterated and getting more frusterated
everytime my IDE slows down and affect my performances. It's enough to
make me give up my ReSharper and pick up a whole new tool.Yes I'll not
be as productive with CodeRush off the bat but I know I can learn the
product and get productive. With the current ReSharper I know that on
a daily basis I will not be able to be productive when dealing with
certain projects. I also know that if I'm force to uninstall to make
VS because responsive that I will not reinstall. I'll simply switch
products.I think I just needed to vent. The problem is I've paid for a
productivity tool that ends up getting in my way and it's


Original message URL:

My developments machines are really great machines. My work machine is an i7 820 with 8 gig of RAM. My home development box is even better with an i7 950 series, 24 gig of PC3 DDR3 memory, a solid state primary drive, and two barracudas running raid 0 for my data drive. There is no reason ReSharper should be slow on either of these machines. Right? [Edit] Just in case people are wondering I do have the raid 0 backing up on a regular basis. :P [/Edit]
Kenneth Siewers Møller

Okay, if ReSharper brings those specs to a halt, then something is very wrong. I assume your projects are incredibly large. A size I have never tried before...
Some of the largest projects I have had ReSharper work on are probably not that big.
NHibernate and Castle Windsor/Core are some rather big projects, but I've never experienced any big performancehit with R#6.
Umbraco and Cuyahoga are also rather large but I've had no problems...

Do you know of a huge OSS project I could try it on? I'd like to see whether my machine gets sluggish as well...


It surprises me to see so many developer/architects acting like end-users. End-users typically just want things to work with no regard to anything else. The people who are upset by the performance issues need to ask themselves, "What else could be causing this?" -- it is possible that some other Visual Studio extension is interferring with ReSharper.

We, of all people, should be able to understand the complexities and demands that go into creating ReSharper. Personally, I think the guys/gals at JetBrains are awesome -- ReSharper has increased my productivity one thousand fold.


Developers are the end users of this product?  You lost me?  This is not a "Free" product.

Not sure about you, but my mission/goal when producing software for my end users is to make their experience "just work" -- that's when I know I've succeeded.  But there again, I produce software the general public at large, not corporate entities where I can tell them to take it, like it or not.  Maybe you work on a lot of corporate projects where you can dictate terms to your end users, but I don't -- I need stuff that "just works".  I think that is a valid expectation.

So far, ReSharper 6.x has NOT been a productivity tool for me.  I've had to turn OFF many of it's features because they either don't work correctly or they impose a huge performance hit.  Also their VB version apparently has less features than their C# version yet the price is the same ... VB version appears to be a "second thought".

I don't run any other tools other that what comes with VS 2010 Ultimate.

To be honest, it was a mistake for me to purchase this product as it currently stands.



Are we not the end user? Should we not expect software to work as intended?

I never said that ReSharper itself isn't (wasn't) an amazing product. I love it so much that before 6.0 I was singing it's praises and trying to get my company to purchase a copy for all the developers and attempt to get it into our collection of team tools. However when 6 came out it destroyed my plans. I cannot push ReSharper in the state it's in. I've never had any version of ReSharper perform this poorly. ReSharper has always been fast and freakin awesome.

Like Rob has stated. I've had to turn of features that I want because it destroys my productivety. I expected a better product when I upgrade from 5 to 6 but was extremely disappointed.

I'm expecting to much... expecting the product to actually make me productive rather than hinder me. I don't think so.


Here's what I've decided. I'm going to uninstall ReSharper on all my systems. I'm going to install CodeRush. If it performs well and I can get productive quickly then I will probable just make the switch. If you guys get a working production copy done before I get up to speed then you will possible keep a customer. If it turns out that I end up liking CodeRush then I'm going to go ahead and make the switch.

What really turned me on to CodeRush is their interaction with the customer is second to none. I visited the ReSharper booth at the Microsoft Build event and I was not impressed. No demos, no code. The mood of the respesentative was like they just got their a**es chewed out in a bad board meeting. They looked and acted so defeated when I mentioned the performance issues of R# 6. Then the response I got really upset me. I was told that "it's not that slow". WTF, you're going to sit there and tell me the customer that my experience isn't as bad as I say it is? That's probably the worst response he could had given and it's the one I got.

I then walked about 20 feet away to the CodeRush booth and they were on fire. Showing coding sample, giving demonstrations. Explaining how the product worked. Then I sent #CodeRush a few tweets and they were answered within minutes. Pointing me to videos and documentation. Just such a great response. What do I get when talking to ReSharper? Give us a few more weeks and we'll give you an EAP. This isn't even going to be a production release.

Thanks for the last couple of good years. Let's go see how CodeRush performs.


Hey Bobby,

I'm so sorry to hear about your experience with ReSharper and that of the booth. I was one of the guys at the booth, but to be honest I don't recall having spoken to you, but I spoke to quite a few people. If you forgive me though, I don't necessarily agree with your comments regarding the attitude at the booth. Myself and others treat customers with the utmost respect and energy. Quoting words without the entire context doesn't really justify as classifying a negative attitude towards customers. Anyway, this is not really the place nor the time to try and discuss who said what. We have never denied issues our customers say they have with ReSharper and as many of our customers can attest, we've  helped extensively to try and solve them. We use it ourselves on large  projects as ReSharper itself is also very large and we dogfood  extensively.

I fully appreciate that you have issues with ReSharper and we've also seen your ultimatums on Twitter. However, as it stands now, if your issue is one of the ones we detected in ReSharper 6, then it is solved but we cannot open it until another task is finished and then EAP will open up. If your issue is not that, then we need to investigate. To do so we need you to provide tracing information. However, at this point you've mentioned you're uninstalling ReSharper so not sure if it makes sense to pursue this further. If you do decide to try ReSharper again, let us know and we'll try and find a solution.



Hi Rob,

You're fully entitled to the product working as advertised and as expected and we apologize greatly that you're having a negative experience. Have you been in touch already with support to provide tracing information to try and pinpoint what issue is? Or is it one of the ones we already detected in 6.0 in regards to Processing Source Files? Please let me know, I'd love to make sure it's fixed by 6.1



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