How can I reduce indentation of anonymous method parameters
return DAOFactory.Use(true, dao =>
return new ExactValueBudgetKeyComponent()
DocumentFieldKey = documentField.FieldName,
ExactValueId = fieldValue.ValueId
I really want this to look like:
return DAOFactory.Use(true, dao =>
return new ExactValueBudgetKeyComponent()
DocumentFieldKey = documentField.FieldName,
ExactValueId = fieldValue.ValueId
I cant seem to find any settings taht control this as I want
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Hello David
Try turning off the 'Indent anonymous method body' option under ReSharper | Options | Code Editing | C# | Formatting Style | Other. Let me know if this helps. Thakn you!
Andrey Serebryansky
Senior Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
that did it . Thanks