Auto semi colon

Using the latest Resharper in VS2015.  When I begin typing the name of a local variable I get the intellisense dropdown from Resharper with the desired variable highlighted.  I hit tab (or enter) and it completes for me.  However, it also places a semicolon (;) at the end.  The result would look something like the following:

var result = string.empty;
result;    << autocomplete here

I have searched the options and cannot find where this would be controlled.  I believe I have verified it is Resharper because it goes away whenever I suspend Resharper.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, because for now the autocomplete adds just about as much frustration as it does convenience.



Hello David,

  Are you able to reprodice the issue in a sample demo solution?



Thanks for the response.  Somehow it is now working.  Those who know me will attest that I am a bit crazy, but this was not working.  I changed a bunch of stuff in VS and Resharper, but no idea what finally got it going.


I believe you. I've got very similar report this week, but unfortunately, nobody could send me a sample code to reproduce it.



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